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European Parliament Prepares for Crucial June Summit: Key Issues on Ukraine, Middle East, Migration, and Competitiveness



European Parliament Media Package for the European Council Meeting on June 27-28, 2024

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This media package contains various press statements from the European Parliament, highlighting the key issues and priorities that Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will focus on during the upcoming summit.

Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament, is set to attend the summit and speak to the national leaders at approximately 14:45. Following her address, she will conduct a press briefing.

Event Timing: The press conference is scheduled to take place between 3:30 PM and 4:00 PM on

Location: European Council press room, as well as on the Parliament’s multimedia platform and EbS.

During their gathering in Brussels, national leaders will carry on talks about the upcoming institutional period, which includes selecting individuals for the EU's key positions. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, recent events in the Middle East, matters of security and defense, competitiveness, and migration will also be prominent topics on the summit's agenda.

Elections in

From June 6 to June 9, the European elections were held. Preliminary results are available on the official website for European elections and will be continuously updated until the inaugural session of the Parliament’s tenth legislative term, scheduled for July 16-19 in Strasbourg.

To enhance the European character of elections and strengthen the democratic legitimacy of EU decision-making, the European Parliament urged political parties to put forward candidates for the European Commission President ahead of the 2014 elections. This initiative was intended to give citizens a direct say in selecting the leader of the European executive through their votes. In anticipation of this year's European elections, the Parliament reiterated the significance of the lead candidate mechanism, also known as the "Spitzenkandidaten" system, and outlined its stance for the upcoming December 2023 elections.

Members of the European Parliament emphasize the need for a transparent and legitimate connection between voter preferences and the selection of the Commission President. They argue that, according to EU Treaties, this decision should hinge on the candidate who garners majority backing in Parliament. Additionally, they urge the European Council to cease the practice of secretive negotiations.

During an informal European Union summit held on June 17, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola emphasized the Parliament's dedication to facilitating a seamless process for electing the next President of the European Commission. She noted that the Parliament has already begun its efforts and will persist in this endeavor.

She emphasized that the election outcome indicates that most of the population wants to uphold our values and prioritize security. She insisted on maintaining support for Ukraine. She also stressed the importance of ensuring that everyone gains from both the green and digital transitions. The green deal should promote economic growth without adding unnecessary bureaucracy. According to her, it's essential to shift from a crisis mentality to long-term planning, leveraging the single market and focusing on the EU's competitiveness. This, she believes, is key to solidifying Europe's global standing.

At the initial plenary meeting in Strasbourg, the Parliament is set to choose its President, 14 Vice-Presidents, and five Questors. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will also determine the composition and membership of the Parliament’s permanent committees and sub-committees.

The ultimate schedule for the session, which may include more items beyond selecting the Parliament's leadership, will be finalized by the Parliament's Conference of Presidents (consisting of the EP President and political group leaders) in their meeting on July 11.

Additional resources

European Parliament prepared for discussions, President Metsola informs the European Council

Election Portal

Election Media Resource Pack

Members of the European Parliament suggest regulations for the lead candidate system before the upcoming European elections

Members of the European Parliament to reach

Sven Simon (EPP, DE), reporting member

Domènec Ruiz Devesa (S&D, Spain), author of the report

Russia's conflict with Ukraine

In a unified declaration released on February 23, the leaders of the European Union organizations emphasized their unwavering backing for Ukraine’s autonomy, sovereignty, and territorial wholeness as acknowledged by international boundaries.

Russia and its leaders are entirely accountable for initiating this war and its worldwide repercussions, along with the grave offenses committed. We are resolute in our commitment to ensuring they face justice, particularly for the act of aggression.

The European Union remains committed to providing robust and steadfast support across political, military, financial, economic, diplomatic, and humanitarian fronts to assist Ukraine. This support aims to help Ukraine defend itself, safeguard its citizens and cities, secure vital infrastructure, reclaim its territorial integrity, return thousands of displaced children, and ultimately bring the conflict to a conclusion.

We remain committed to meeting Ukraine's immediate military and defense requirements, such as the provision of critical ammunition and missiles. Additionally, we are planning long-term security measures to enable Ukraine to protect itself, counter destabilization attempts, and prevent future acts of aggression.

In a decision made on February 29, Members of the European Parliament reviewed the two years following Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022. They emphasized the significant impact the war has had on the geopolitical landscape in Europe and around the world. The MEPs stated that the primary goal is for Ukraine to emerge victorious in the conflict, cautioning that failure to achieve this could lead to severe repercussions. They also noted that other authoritarian governments are observing the situation to gauge their own opportunities for pursuing hostile foreign actions.

In order for Kyiv to achieve victory in the conflict, there must be "no limitations on the military support given to Ukraine," as Parliament has reiterated the importance of supplying the nation with all necessary resources to reclaim its entire internationally acknowledged territory.

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are calling on all European Union (EU) and NATO member states to provide military aid to Ukraine amounting to at least 0.25% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) each year. They also urge EU nations to promptly initiate discussions with defense manufacturers to boost the production and supply of ammunition, shells, and missiles to Ukraine, prioritizing these deliveries over those to other foreign countries.

The resolution emphasizes the pressing necessity for a robust legal framework enabling the EU to seize Russian state-owned assets that have been frozen and redirect them towards rebuilding efforts in Ukraine and compensating war victims. It asserts that Russia should be mandated to pay reparations, ensuring its significant financial contribution to Ukraine's reconstruction.


On March 12, Parliament passed a directive, coordinated with member states, to make breaching and evading EU sanctions a criminal offense. The directive will establish a unified definition and set minimum penalties for such violations.

The European Union's sanctions may involve freezing financial resources and assets, including cryptocurrencies, imposing travel restrictions, enacting arms embargoes, and limiting certain business activities. Although these sanctions are established at the EU level, their enforcement is the responsibility of individual member nations, where the interpretation of sanction breaches and the penalties for them can differ. A new regulation aims to standardize what constitutes a violation, covering actions such as failing to freeze assets, ignoring travel bans or arms embargoes, transferring money to sanctioned individuals, or conducting business with state-owned companies in sanctioned countries. Additionally, offering financial or legal advisory services in defiance of sanctions will also be considered an offense.

The directive mandates that breaking or evading sanctions must be treated as criminal acts, punishable by up to five years in prison across all member states.

Additional resources

EU lawmakers greenlight trade aid for Ukraine, ensuring safeguards for European farmers

Combined Declaration from the Leaders of EU Bodies Marking Two Years Since Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

The Parliament urges the European Union to provide Ukraine with all necessary support to overcome Russia.

New regulations in the EU to strengthen enforcement against sanctions breaches

Members of the European Parliament urge EU to provide active support to Russia's pro-democracy opposition

Yulia Navalnaya: "To overcome Putin, target his corrupt network"

Discussion on March 12, 2024: Readiness for the European Council session scheduled for March 21 and 22, 202

Discussion on March 13, 2024: Urgent issues regarding the forced deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia need immediate attention

Lawmakers call for stricter implementation of EU sanctions on Russia

A sustainable approach to addressing Ukraine's financial requirements

Ways the EU is Assisting Ukraine

European Union supports Ukraine

Members of the European Parliament to reach

David McAllister, a member of the European People's Party (EPP) from Germany (DE), serves as the Chairman of the

Nathalie LOISEAU (Renew, France) Head of the Security and Defence Subcommittee

Michael Gahler, a member of the European People's Party from Germany, serves as the Standing Rapporteur on Ukraine.

Andrius KUBILIUS (EPP, LT), Permanent Rapporteur on Russia

Sophie in ’t Veld (Renew, Netherlands), the report author on breaches of EU sanctions

Conflict in the Gaza Region

On April 25, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) passed a resolution denouncing the drone and missile strike by Iran on Israel. They are urging for additional sanctions on Iran. The Parliament expressed grave concerns about the rising tensions and the implications for regional security. MEPs reaffirmed their unwavering support for the safety and security of Israel and its populace. They also condemned the concurrent rocket attacks launched by Iran-backed groups, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Houthi rebels in Yemen, targeting the Golan Heights and Israeli areas both prior to and during the Iranian assault.

Simultaneously, they condemn the assault on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, which occurred on April 1 and is largely blamed on Israel. The resolution emphasizes the critical principle that diplomatic and consular buildings should always be protected, as mandated by international law.

In a resolution passed on March 14, Members of the European Parliament urged Israel to permit and support the complete delivery of aid into and across Gaza through all available crossings, emphasizing the critical necessity for swift, secure, and unrestricted humanitarian access.

They renew their demand for a swift and lasting ceasefire to confront the imminent threat of widespread hunger in Gaza and urge the immediate and unconditional freeing of all captives. The International Committee of the Red Cross should be allowed to promptly reach all Israeli captives in Gaza to offer them medical assistance.

Members of the European Parliament caution that peace, security, stability, and prosperity in Gaza, as well as reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis, are unattainable as long as Hamas and other terrorist organizations maintain any influence in the region.

The legislature has vehemently denounced the surge in extremist settler violence and the assaults by Israeli military forces on Palestinians residing in the West Bank, incidents that have resulted in the deaths of hundreds and the injuries of thousands of Palestinian civilians. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have also harshly criticized the rapid expansion of unauthorized settlements on Palestinian territories, highlighting that this action breaches international law. They have expressed significant apprehension regarding the potential intensification of the conflict, particularly in Lebanon.

Additional resources

The legislative body denounces Iran's aggression towards Israel and urges for tensions to be reduced.

Legislators urge Israel to allow unrestricted access to Gaza for humanitarian assistance

Israel-Hamas conflict: Members of the European Parliament urge for an indefinite ceasefire with two stipulations

European Parliament Members denounce Hamas assault on Israel and urge for a humanitarian ceasefire.

Resolution: The condemnable acts of terrorism carried out by Hamas targeting Israel, Israel’s justified right to self-defense in accordance with humanitarian and international regulations, and the humanitarian conditions in Gaza.

President Metsola addresses the European Council: Unity and coherence are essential for the EU

Top Members of the European Parliament denounce Hamas terrorists' assault on Israel

Members of the European Parliament to reach

David McALLISTER, (EPP, DE) Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee

Security and defense in Europe

On February 28, the European Parliament approved two reports concerning the EU’s strategies on foreign affairs, security, and defense. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) cautioned that Russia's aggressive military actions against Ukraine have triggered worldwide economic disruptions and have significantly increased instability in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership nations.

They are calling for the European Union to update its neighborhood policy and speed up the process of expansion. Additionally, they seek progress in institutional reforms and decision-making, including the release of a roadmap for upcoming tasks by the summer of 2024. Members of the European Parliament also emphasize the need for the EU to enhance its ability to respond to and anticipate global crises.

Amid the backdrop of US-China rivalry, Parliament is worried about the growing importance of more selective cooperation formats. It stresses that the EU should prioritize traditional multilateral platforms, especially the UN and its agencies, for collaboration.

In light of Russia's unlawful and unprovoked assault on Ukraine, the European Parliament is drawing attention to the assistance provided by Iran, Belarus, North Korea, and China to Russia. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) assert that Russia's aggression is part of a broader effort to destabilize the international rules-based order. They emphasize that the European Union will persist in offering military support to Kyiv to bring an end to the hostilities.

Members of the European Parliament are calling for enhanced and expedited financial and military support from the EU, emphasizing that Ukraine's success in the conflict and its future membership in the EU and NATO are crucial for ensuring Europe's security, stability, and lasting peace.

Additional Resources

International relations, safety, and military matters: the European Union ought to concentrate on building strategic partnerships

Members of the European Parliament to get

Nathalie LOISEAU (Renew, France) Chairperson of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence

David McAllister, a member of the European People's Party (EPP) from Germany, serves as the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee and is the primary author of the report on the Common

Sven Mikser, a member of the Socialists and Democrats group from Estonia, serves as the rapporteur on issues related to common security and defense policy


On April 25, Parliament passed the net-zero industry act aimed at boosting the EU's manufacturing of technologies essential for reducing carbon emissions. The act establishes a goal for Europe to meet 40% of its annual requirements for net-zero technologies by 2030, according to National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). Additionally, it aims for Europe to secure 15% of the worldwide market share for these technologies.

The supported technologies encompass renewable energy sources, nuclear power, industrial efforts to reduce carbon emissions, electrical grid improvements, energy storage solutions, and biotechnology. The legislation aims to streamline the approval process by establishing maximum time limits for project authorizations based on their scale and production capacity.

The Act establishes "Net-Zero Acceleration Valleys" initiatives, which aim to hasten the permitting process by allowing member states to handle some aspects of gathering evidence for environmental assessments.

On April 23, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) endorsed a revision of the EU's fiscal regulations, aiming to make them more transparent, investment-friendly, customized to individual countries' needs, and adaptable. The MEPs significantly enhanced the rules to safeguard governments' investment capabilities. It will now be tougher for the European Commission to subject a member state to an excessive deficit procedure if crucial investments are ongoing. Moreover, all national spending on the co-financing of EU-backed programs will be excluded from the government's expenditure calculation, thereby providing more incentives for investment. Nations with substantial debt will need to reduce it by an average of 1% annually if their debt exceeds 90% of GDP, and by 0.5% annually if it falls between 60% and 90% of GDP. If a country’s deficit surpasses 3% of GDP, it must be reduced during economic growth periods to 1.5% to create a financial cushion for challenging economic times.

Additional resources

Members of the European Parliament approve strategies to enhance the production of Net-Zero technology in Europe

Members of the European Parliament have given their approval to new fiscal

Members of the European Parliament to reach

Christian Ehler, a member of the European People's Party (EPP) from Germany, serves as the rapporteur for

Markus Ferber (EPP, Germany), co-author on updated financial regulations

Margarida Marques (S&D, PT), joint author on updated financial regulations


On April 10, Parliament passed ten new laws to overhaul the EU's migration and asylum policies. The updated rules for managing asylum and migration are designed to better assist EU nations facing high levels of immigration. Other member states will be required to help by either relocating asylum seekers or those granted international protection to their countries, offering financial aid, or supplying operational and technical assistance.

The crisis and force majeure regulation sets up a system to deal with unexpected spikes in incoming migrants, providing solidarity and assistance to member states experiencing a significant surge of non-EU nationals. Meanwhile, the screening regulation mandates that individuals who do not qualify to enter the EU must undergo a pre-entry screening process. This process involves identification, the collection of biometric data, and health and security assessments, all within a maximum timeframe of seven days.

The European Union has implemented a new standardized process for granting and revoking international protection. This aims to speed up the handling of asylum applications at the EU's borders, especially for claims that are baseless or not acceptable, by introducing shorter processing times. Additionally, the Parliament has supported the establishment of consistent criteria across all member states for recognizing individuals as refugees or those eligible for subsidiary protection, as well as the rights afforded to those who receive such protection.

The reception condition directive ensures that all member states provide similar standards of reception for asylum seekers in areas such as housing, education, and healthcare. Additionally, under the new EU resettlement framework and humanitarian admission, member states can voluntarily agree to host refugees recognized by the UNHCR from non-EU countries. These refugees would be able to enter EU territory through a legal, organized, and secure process.

Additional Resources

Members of the European Parliament have given the green light to the new Migration and

Members of the European Parliament to reach

Tomas TOBÉ (EPP, SE), the appointed rapporteur for the regulation on asylum and migration management

Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D, Spain), the rapporteur for the Crisis and Force Majeure Regulation

Birgit Sippel, a member of the S&D group from Germany, serves as the rapporteur for the Screening Regulation.

Fabienne KELLER (Renew, FR), the rapporteur for the regulation concerning asylum procedures

Matjaž Nemec, representing the S&D group from Slovenia, serves as the rapporteur for the Qualification regulation.

Sophia IN 'T VELD (Renew, Netherlands), the rapporteur for the Reception Conditions Directive

Jorge BUXADÉ (ECR, Spain), the Eurodac rapporteur

Malin BJÖRK (The Left, Sweden), the rapporteur for the EU resettlement framework.

Contact Information:

Jaume Duch Guillot

Delphine Colard

Neil Corlett

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