Georgian President’s EU Address Amidst Election Turmoil and European Parliament’s Strategic Debates on Security, Democracy, and Human Rights
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Wednesday, December 18
Speech Delivered by Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili
At 8:30, Georgia's President, Salome Zourabichvili, is scheduled to deliver a speech to the European Parliament. The nation of Georgia has experienced significant demonstrations after the government opted to halt its progression towards joining the European Union. This decision followed controversial parliamentary elections held in October 2024, which Ms. Zourabichvili has labeled as rigged and unlawfully conducted. On November 28th, Members of the European Parliament passed a resolution dismissing the election results and demanded that a new election be held within a year.
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Members of the European Parliament to Discuss Key Issues for Upcoming EU Summit
At 9:00, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will engage in a debate with Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, and Barna Zsigmond, Hungary’s Deputy Minister for EU Affairs. During this session, MEPs will share their viewpoints and expectations for the European Council meeting on Thursday, December 19. The discussions will center on the Middle East situation, the EU's backing of Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, and strategies for crisis prevention and managing migration. Following this, a separate debate will take place in the plenary session focusing on the EU's relations with the countries of the Western Balkans, setting the stage for today's summit.
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New permanent committees focused on Defence and Health have been established, along with special committees dedicated to Housing and Democracy
At midday, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are expected to approve the establishment of two permanent committees focused on Security and Defence, as well as Health. In addition, two temporary special committees will be set up to concentrate on housing and the European Democracy Shield. Following a proposal from Parliament’s Conference of Presidents, the plenary session must determine the number of members and the responsibilities for each committee. The political groups will select the committee members, who will be announced in the plenary session scheduled for January 20-23.
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Human rights concerns in Crimea under occupation, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan are set for discussion. This evening, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will engage with Commissioner Roswall to examine the human rights situation in Crimea and Sevastopol, with particular attention to the cases involving Iryna Danylovych, Tofik Abdulhaziiev, and Amet Suleymanov. In Kyrgyzstan, the focus will be on Temirlan Sultanbekov's case, while in Azerbaijan, the cases of Sakharov Prize 2024 finalist Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu, Anar Mammadli, Kamran Mammadli, Rufat Safarov, and the media outlet Meydan TV will be scrutinized. On Thursday, three resolutions related to these issues are scheduled for a vote.
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There is a pressing requirement to act quickly and openly when it comes to accusations of corruption. Starting at approximately 5 PM, there will be a discussion involving both the plenary session and Commissioner McGrath. The focus of this debate will be on improving the way corruption charges are tackled throughout the European
Discussions on social dialogue, the right to strike, and improper subcontracting practices are on the agenda. Starting at approximately 2:00 PM, a plenary session will engage in two debates with Commission Executive Vice-President Mînzatu. The first debate will focus on enhancing social dialogue, collective bargaining, and the right to strike within the EU. The second will address issues related to abusive subcontracting and the role of labor market intermediaries.
Addressing the risk of species extinction. During a nighttime discussion with Commissioner Roswall, starting at approximately 9 PM, the full assembly will evaluate the critical necessity for the European Union to implement measures aimed at conserving natural environments and safeguarding biodiversity to prevent the disappearance of at-risk species.
The European Union's competitive advantage and the Green Deal are set to take center stage in this session's focused discussion. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will engage in dialogue with Commissioner Ribera and Barna Zsigmond, Hungary's Deputy Minister for European Union Affairs. The conversation will address the necessity of conducting an impact assessment on the Green Deal's policies to ensure they do not compromise the EU's competitiveness.
At midday, the plenary session will cast their votes on several matters, including the selection of the new head for the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA). You can view the complete list of topics scheduled for voting during the plenary here.
You can watch the live broadcast of the plenary session through Parliament’s webstreaming service and EbS+.
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Bruna Szego Secures MEPs’ Approval as Chair of EU Anti-Money Laundering Authority

MEPs Endorse Bruna Szego for Leadership Role in EU Anti-Money Laundering Authority
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During a plenary session on Wednesday, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) voted in favor of appointing Bruna Szego from Italy as the Chair of the EU Anti-Money Laundering Authority.
Ms. Szego, presently heading the Bank of Italy's unit responsible for overseeing and regulating anti-money laundering efforts, garnered 569 supportive votes, while 20 opposed her appointment, and 61 chose to abstain.
Situated in Frankfurt, the recently established EU Authority for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLA) is responsible for aligning the efforts of national financial intelligence units and providing direct supervision over certain high-risk financial institutions operating across several member countries.
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For Ms. Szego to take on the role of AMLA Chair, she must first gain backing from a qualified majority within the Council.
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European Parliament Launches New Committees to Tackle Security, Health, Democracy, and Housing Challenges

New EP Panels to Focus on Security, Defense, Health, Democracy, and Housing
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The Parliament has given the green light to proposals from its Conference of Presidents, creating two permanent committees and two temporary ones.
The subcommittees focused on Security and Defence as well as Public Health have been elevated to full committee status. Additionally, in 2025, two new special committees are set to be established. One committee will address the "Democracy Shield" initiative outlined in the Commission's political guidelines for 2024-2029, while the other will focus on tackling the ongoing housing crisis in the EU.
The proposed modifications, introduced by President Metsola along with the heads of the political factions in Parliament, aim to tackle the present issues facing Europe. These changes also reflect the priorities of Parliament, considering the concerns of citizens and the outcomes of the European elections.
Members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg cast their votes on the proposals that define the duties and composition of the four committees, as well as the one-year duration of office for the two special committees.
Future actions
The makeup of the two standing committees and the two special committees, which should mirror the composition of Parliament, will be decided by each political group along with independent MEPs. The list of committee members will be revealed at the plenary session scheduled for January 20-23, 2025.
On the first day of the January plenary session, the subcommittees focused on Security and Defence and Public Health will be dissolved. On the same day, four new committees will be officially established. During their initial meetings, each committee will select its Chair and Vice-Chairs.
Modifications to the lineup and duties of standing committees, outlined in Annex VI of the Parliament's procedural rules, along with the formation of special committees, must be approved by the Conference of Presidents and receive a plenary vote. Special committees, which are set up to tackle particular matters, have a lifespan of up to 12 months, unless an extension is granted through a parliamentary vote.
The duties assigned to the newly established standing committees will align with the revised objectives of the Foreign Affairs (AFET) and Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) committees, which have served as the main committees for the former subcommittees. As a result, the ENVI committee will undergo a name change to become the "Committee on the Environment, Climate, and Food Safety."
Delphine COLARD
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Georgian President Urges EU to Defend European Values Amidst Political Turmoil: A Call for Solidarity and Action

Georgia: President Zurabishvili Urges EU to Stand Firm on European Values
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On Wednesday morning, the President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili, delivered a speech to the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
Bei der Begrüßung von Präsidentin Surabischwili im Plenarsaal äußerte Roberta Metsola, die Präsidentin des Europäischen Parlaments: „Während Ihres letzten Besuchs in diesem Haus sprachen wir über die Fortschritte Ihres Landes hin zur europäischen Gemeinschaft. Dieser Fortschritt ist momentan bedroht. Ich bin mir bewusst, dass viele Menschen in Georgien sich Sorgen um die Zukunft ihres Landes machen. Im Namen dieses gesamten Hauses möchte ich allen Georgierinnen und Georgiern versichern, die in Europa Unterstützung und Zukunftsperspektiven suchen: Sie sind nicht allein. Wir sehen Sie, wir hören Sie und wir stehen an Ihrer Seite. Dieses Haus unterstützt Georgien fest auf seinem Weg nach Europa.“
During her address to the legislators, President Zurabishvili discussed the protest movement that has swept across Georgia following the disputed parliamentary elections last October. She remarked, "In some ways, it feels like we are reliving 1921," highlighting the repetitive nature of the events. She further explained, "This accounts for the courage and determination the Georgian people are showing today. Given the present circumstances, citizens feel deprived of their freedom, their future, and, to some extent, their sovereignty."
She emphasized that the movement is not revolutionary but rather very peaceful. "We are asking for just two things: return our voice to us because the elections were rigged, and restore our European future through new elections."
President Surabishvili characterized Georgia not as a society divided in half, but rather as a nation where the Georgian people stand on one side and the oppressive system of a political party on the other. She also highlighted how Georgia has been sliding toward a more authoritarian path in recent years, cautioning lawmakers: "Europe has so far met this challenge only half-heartedly. It has taken a long time to wake up and a long time to respond. Much more could and should be done." Surabishvili urged Europe and the West to provide steadfast political support to democratic forces in Georgia, assist in ensuring justice, advocate for the release of political prisoners, and clearly support the call for new elections.
In ihrem abschließenden Statement unterstrich Präsidentin Surabischwili, dass die Entwicklungen in Georgien nicht allein die demokratische Lage und politischen Entscheidungen des Landes betreffen. Vielmehr gehe es auch um Europa und dessen strategische Belange. Sollte Georgien „in russische Hände geraten, würde dies weitreichende Konsequenzen haben: von der Sicherheit im Schwarzen Meer über freie Verkehrswege bis hin zur europäischen Perspektive für Armenien. (…) Die Herausforderungen sind groß.“
You can watch the discussion here (December 18, 2024). This marked President Zurabishvili's second speech in the plenary chamber following her appearance on May 31, 2023.
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EU-Western Balkans Summit: Metsola Urges Swift Enlargement Amid Geopolitical Challenges

Metsola at EU-Western Balkans Meeting: A Call for Expansion
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During her speech to leaders from the EU and the Western Balkans in Brussels, Metsola emphasized the urgency of accelerating the enlargement process in response to current global geopolitical challenges.
Statement by European Parliament President Roberta Metsola at the EU-Western Balkans Meeting:
Hello team,
Over the past ten years, the European Union has seen a decrease in its membership rather than an increase. For twenty years, our promises about expanding into the Western Balkans have not been met with corresponding action. However, given the current global geopolitical situation, it is imperative that we accelerate our efforts. Naturally, this must be a merit-driven process with defined standards, but genuine advancement is irreplaceable.
Consider the situations in Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia. Russia's unlawful meddling has turned expansion into an urgent geopolitical and strategic need. Should Europe hesitate to respond at this moment, it risks creating an empty space that other powers will eagerly occupy. Ignoring this opportunity would be a strategic error.
Expanding our influence has consistently been our strongest geopolitical strategy. However, achieving this requires bravery, determination from political leaders, and changes from all parties involved.
The recently implemented phased accession approach is beginning to yield positive outcomes. However, there is a need to take additional steps. In the Western Balkans, electoral outcomes are heavily influenced by attitudes towards the EU. It is crucial for the people in this region to experience the advantages of integration ahead of full membership, as this will bolster the EU's credibility and foster trust.
Our systems, methods of making decisions, and financial structures need to adapt in order to accommodate a bigger Union. The upcoming Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) should prioritize expansion. The Parliament has advocated for these changes and is prepared to take the initiative.
Simultaneously, changes in the Western Balkans need to be authentic. Nations must adhere to EU principles, utilize the Growth Plan to revamp their economies, and address any bilateral conflicts. It is essential for everyone to let go of past constraints and focus on moving forward collectively, rather than dwelling on the past individually.
In the end, the focus will be on how these changes are executed. If not carried out effectively, these reforms will be meaningless, merely existing in written form.
The European Parliament is prepared to support your journey towards EU membership. We are committed to building relationships with parliaments in the Western Balkans, and I am pleased with our choice to establish a European Parliament office in that area. Early in the coming year, I plan to travel to the Western Balkans, where I am eager to meet with leaders and have you present to the European Parliament to further this initiative.
Each expansion has presented difficulties, certainly, but it has also delivered significant advantages. Furthermore, with every addition of new members, our Union has been fortified.
A new Parliament and Commission have been established, tasked with creating a safer and more progressive Union. Now is the moment to expand and make it clear that the idea of enlargement is not a far-off aspiration for those in the Western Balkans or throughout Europe. This expansion benefits everyone involved, as it will enhance both Europe and the surrounding region.
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Former Tory Leader Criticizes Cameron and Osborne’s China Strategy as ‘Massive Mistake’, Citing National Security Risks

Iain Duncan Smith Criticizes Cameron and Osborne for Seeking Close Relations with China
The ex-Conservative leader argues that the UK's national security has suffered due to efforts to strengthen bonds with China.
Senior political reporter @joncraig
Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 8:
Sir Iain Duncan Smith expressed to Sky News that David Cameron and George Osborne committed a "massive mistake" by pursuing close relations with China between 2010 and 2016.
The ex-Conservative chief stated that the scandal involving Yang Tengbo's espionage demonstrates that elements of national security had been neglected, resulting in consequences for the UK.
Sir Iain, a former member of Lord Cameron's cabinet between 2010 and 2016, discussed his concerns with Sky News following his pressing inquiry in the Commons regarding allegations of espionage by China.
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When questioned about whether the efforts by Lord Cameron and Mr. Osborne to engage with China could be held accountable for the current national security issues in the UK, he responded, "It was a huge error."
"I distinctly expressed my concerns back then. During my tenure in office, I felt quite uncomfortable with their actions. I was skeptical about the effectiveness of their plan, and indeed, it proved to be unsuccessful."
"I believed it was a significant error since President Xi is certainly aware that our intention is to court his favor. However, this comes at a cost. The cost we incur involves neglecting elements of national security."
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Sir Iain indicated that he thinks Sir Keir Starmer's administration is currently yielding to demands from Members of Parliament to implement a foreign influence registration scheme (FIRS), a plan first suggested by the Conservatives prior to the election.
"Sir Iain mentioned that just a couple of months back, the prime minister had declined to respond to inquiries regarding their plans for action."
"Now he has finally relocated, likely due to our pressure, prompting him to take action. The main issue remains whether China will ascend to the top level of the registration scheme, potentially becoming the greatest threat?"
Discover more: The case of Yang Tengbo highlights the complex ties between the UK and China. Who exactly is Yang Tengbo?
Addressing security minister Dan Jarvis, who responded to his pressing inquiry, Sir Iain stated: "I believe the minister is inclined to take action. I have no doubts about his willingness, nor that of the security personnel, who are equally eager to act.
I have concerns that various sectors, including corporations, financial institutions, and certain governmental bodies, were exerting pressure on the security officials to refrain from implementing the FIRS due to fears that it might displease the Chinese authorities.
"It seems that following the espionage incident and our sustained lobbying from various angles, the government is finally intervening to revisit the issue. It appears that changes will be implemented, albeit delayed."
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Legal Breach: UK Government and Water Regulator Under Fire for Unlawful Sewage Discharges

According to a monitoring agency, the government and water regulator Ofwat have violated legal standards regarding sewage management. They face potential legal action if they do not address these issues and have been given a two-month deadline to reply.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 5:
The environmental watchdog has accused the government and water authorities of illegally permitting the release of sewage except in rare situations.
Facilities known as combined sewer overflows (CSOs) are designed to activate infrequently, specifically during instances of intense rainfall to prevent sewage from backing up into residential and commercial properties.
The Office for Environmental Protection criticized the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), the water regulator Ofwat, and the Environment Agency for not providing adequate guidance, permits, and enforcement regarding the use of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) as required by law.
The results emerge during a pivotal week for the water sector.
Thames Water, the UK's biggest firm, is appearing in court today to seek authorization for a £3 billion loan to prevent a cash shortfall. Meanwhile, this Thursday, the regulatory body Ofwat is set to deliver its definitive decision on the permitted rise in customer bills.
Advocates who lodged the grievance with the environmental regulator argued that the persistent pollution affecting rivers would not occur if the responsible organizations were effectively fulfilling their duties.
Releasing sewage into water bodies may lead to symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever in swimmers, while also damaging wildlife and natural habitats.
The Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) has issued directives regarding the necessary measures to rectify the issue.
The different organizations have a sixty-day period to reply, and if they do not act, they might face legal proceedings.
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"The primary concern highlighted by our inquiry is the conditions under which the regulatory framework permits the release of untreated sewage," stated Helen Venn, the chief regulatory officer of the OEP.
"Ms. Venn explained that, according to our understanding of the legislation, such actions should typically be allowed only under extraordinary conditions, like during periods of significantly heavy rain," she added.
"Unless an evaluation of the CSO determines that the expenses involved in resolving the problem are excessively high compared to the advantages achieved."
"Public agencies are currently adjusting their methods to comply with legal standards, although this alignment has not consistently been evident in the past."
The OEP inquiry did not cover incidents of overflows at sewage treatment facilities, which are now under scrutiny by the Environment Agency for possible breaches by various firms.
Learn more: Surge in Thames Water discharges as pivotal verdict approaches. Five graphs explaining the upcoming increase in water rates. Executive bonuses climb amidst wastewater controversy.
An Ofwat representative stated that the organization is currently taking action to address the problems identified.
"They emphasized their ongoing commitment to the scrutiny of all wastewater firms, a probe that began in 2021, aimed at verifying compliance with environmental responsibilities."
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A spokesperson from the Labour Party criticized the Conservative Party's "disastrous policies," stating they have resulted in unprecedented levels of sewage contamination in the UK's rivers, lakes, and oceans.
Authorities have announced that they have taken "decisive" action by placing water companies under special measures, which include the authority to prohibit bonuses and reintroduce criminal charges.
A representative from the Environment Agency stated that substantial advancements have been made in tackling the problems pointed out by the OEP. They are currently engaging in consultations regarding revisions to their licensing procedures and regulatory structure for storm overflows.
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Legal Breach: UK Government and Water Regulator Accused of Unlawful Sewage Discharges by Environmental Watchdog

According to a watchdog, both the government and the water regulator Ofwat have violated legal standards regarding sewage management. These authorities now face potential legal action unless they address the issue, with a two-month deadline to provide a response.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 5
The environmental oversight body has accused both the government and the water authority of violating legal regulations by permitting the release of sewage in situations that were not deemed "exceptional."
Facilities known as combined sewer overflows (CSOs) are designed to activate infrequently, specifically during instances of intense rainfall to prevent sewage from backing up into residential and commercial properties.
The Office for Environmental Protection has criticized the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), the water regulator Ofwat, and the Environment Agency for not providing adequate guidance, permits, and enforcement regarding the use of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs), as required by law.
The results arrive during a pivotal week for the water sector.
Thames Water, the UK's biggest firm, is appearing in court today to seek approval for a £3 billion loan to prevent a cash shortfall. Meanwhile, on Thursday, the regulatory body Ofwat is set to announce its final decision on the permissible rise in water bills.
Activists who lodged the grievance with the environmental oversight body argued that the pollution affecting the rivers wouldn't occur if the responsible organizations were effectively performing their duties.
Releasing sewage into water bodies can lead to gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea and stomach cramps, along with fever for individuals who swim in contaminated areas. This pollution also poses a threat to both wildlife and natural habitats
The Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) has issued directives regarding the necessary measures to address the issue.
The organizations involved have a deadline of two months to reply, and if they do not act, legal proceedings may be initiated against them.
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"The central concern revealed by our inquiry involves the conditions under which the regulatory framework permits the release of untreated sewage," stated Helen Venn, the chief regulatory officer at the OEP.
"Ms. Venn explained that, according to their understanding of the legislation, such actions should typically be allowed only under extraordinary conditions, like during periods of exceptionally high rainfall."
"This is subject to the condition that an analysis of the CSO determines addressing the issue would not be worth the costs compared to the benefits achieved."
"Currently, government bodies are making efforts to align their actions with legal standards, though it has been observed that this consistency has not always been maintained in the past."
The OEP inquiry excluded incidents of overflows at sewage treatment facilities, which are currently under scrutiny by the Environment Agency as they investigate various companies for possible violations.
Learn more: Surge in Thames Water discharges as pivotal verdict approaches. Five graphics explain the impending increase in water rates. Executive bonuses at water companies climb amidst wastewater controversy.
An Ofwat representative stated that the organization is "proactively addressing the problems identified."
"They stated that they will maintain their focus on the ongoing enforcement investigation, initiated in 2021, into all wastewater companies to confirm compliance with environmental responsibilities."
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A spokesperson for the Labour Party criticized the Conservative Party's policies, stating they have resulted in unprecedented amounts of sewage contamination in the UK's rivers, lakes, and oceans.
Officials have now taken "decisive" action by placing water companies under special measures, granting new authority to prohibit bonuses and reinstate criminal charges.
A spokesperson for the Environment Agency stated that substantial advancements have been made in tackling the challenges highlighted by the OEP. They are currently seeking feedback on proposed updates to their permitting processes and regulatory structure concerning storm overflows.
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End of an Era: Former First Minister Humza Yousaf Announces Departure from Scottish Politics in 2026

Ex-first minister Humza Yousaf to resign as MSP by 2026
Mr. Yousaf stated his resignation would "allow new MSPs to emerge and take the lead".
Scottish journalist @Jenster13
Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 11:
Ex-leader Humza Yousaf has declared his decision to refrain from seeking re-election in the upcoming 2026 Holyrood vote.
The former head of the SNP announced his plans to resign as an MSP in a message to his successor, John Swinney, stating that the upcoming Scottish parliament election would be the appropriate moment to step aside.
Mr. Yousaf stated that his choice would "offer a chance for the upcoming group of MSPs to emerge" and would enable him to discover areas where he can "most effectively contribute in the future to addressing some of the critical issues the world confronts."
In March 2023, Mr. Yousaf took over Nicola Sturgeon's position, but he had to resign earlier this year due to the collapse of the Bute House Agreement with the Scottish Greens.
The Member of the Scottish Parliament for Glasgow Pollok has served as a backbencher to date.
By 2026, Mr. Yousaf will mark his 15th year as an MSP.
In his message on Tuesday, he remarked, "It's commonly expressed that to be something, you first need to see it."
Further Details from Glasgow
Nicola Sturgeon remains uninformed about the ongoing police investigation, even 18 months following the arrest.
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While serving as first minister, Mr. Yousaf urged for an immediate halt to the hostilities between Israel and Hamas.
His relatives were stuck in Gaza for a month, a situation he referred to as a "living nightmare".
During her return to Scotland, Elizabeth El-Nakla, the mother-in-law, expressed to Sky News that she felt as though she had "left her heart in Gaza."
Mr. Yousaf expressed his aspiration to exemplify leadership as the first minister in addressing what he considers the defining moral issue of the era.
For further details, visit Sky News: Alleged Chinese espionage agent claims innocence. Sturgeon remains uninformed about police investigation a year and a half following arrest.
Mr. Yousaf committed to diligently serving his constituents until his tenure ends and promised to remain an ardent advocate for Scottish independence and the SNP once he exits the political stage.
He expressed eagerness to spend additional time with his family and extended gratitude to his wife Nadia for her longstanding dedication and the numerous sacrifices she has made for their family.
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In his reply to the letter, Mr. Swinney expressed his regret over Mr. Yousaf's resignation.
The premier noted, "He was a trailblazer in the political landscape of Scotland.
"I appreciate everything he has offered to the Scottish government and the SNP, and I am eager to see his ongoing participation.
"I hope that Humza, Nadia, and their family experience a lot of tranquility together."
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Rising Council Tax to Fund Police Boost: What It Means for Your Wallet and Community Safety

Council tax will increase to fund a 3.5% boost in police funding
The additional funds will not only enhance local policing but are also necessary to cover costs associated with two recent initiatives implemented by the Labour government.
Political correspondent @alixculbertson
Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 13:
The government has announced that council tax bills will increase to fund a 3.5% real terms boost in police funding next year.
In a written statement to Members of Parliament, Policing Minister Dame Diana Johnson announced that council taxpayers in England and Wales will need to contribute an additional £329.8 million collectively to support the increase in funding.
For the fiscal year 2025-26, the budget allocated to the police force will rise to £17.4 billion, marking an increase of approximately £986.9 million from this year's budget.
Authorities anticipate that police and crime commissioners will fully leverage their power to increase the council tax precept to secure the projected boost in police funding.
Dame Diana noted that this will increase the tax bill by £14 annually for a typical Band D property.
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She mentioned that raising council tax to support the funding boost "maintains equilibrium between safeguarding taxpayers and securing resources for police departments."
A spokesperson for Sir Keir Starmer stated that the decision to increase taxes rests with the local councils.
The extra funds will finance the salary increases for officers that were implemented by the government, along with the rise in employer national insurance contributions that were part of the recent budget.
It will also cover the costs of hiring needed to fulfill the government's commitments to community policing.
The funding for policing will receive a boost, with the total budget rising by £1 billion to £19.5 billion, marking a 3% increase in real terms.
Several weeks following Labour's electoral victory, Chancellor Rachel Reeves approved a 4.75% salary hike for police officers.
In her October financial statement, she declared that the contribution from employers to national insurance would rise from 13.8% to 15%, effective from April 2015.
Home Secretary Yvette Cooper announced in November that police forces would receive compensation for the increase.
She further declared that an additional £500 million will be allocated to community policing, which is encompassed within the overall increase in funding.
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Dame Diana stated: "From the total of £986.9 million in extra funding for police forces, I can verify that £657.1 million represents a rise in government grants. This increment includes a boost of £339 million in core grants to guarantee that police forces have the necessary resources to fulfill our safer streets initiative."
The funding package also allocates £230.3 million to cover the increased employer national insurance contributions for territorial forces starting in 2025-26. Additionally, £100 million is earmarked to initiate the first stage of adding 13,000 new police officers, PCSOs, and special constables to community policing positions.
"This will allocate the necessary funds for law enforcement to combat crime and ensure community safety."
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Labour Faces Backlash Over Refusal to Compensate WASPI Women: A Day of Shame?

Sir Keir Starmer has stated that providing compensation to Waspi women would place a strain on taxpayers. Critics have labeled this decision a "day of shame" for the Labour government, accusing them of abandoning women of pensionable age.
Political journalist @fayebrownSky
Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 5:
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Sir Keir Starmer has justified the choice not to offer financial redress to women impacted by alterations to their pension age, arguing that it would impose a "burden" on taxpayers.
The Prime Minister acknowledged the grievances of the Women Against State Pension Inequality, commonly referred to as Waspi women, but stated that meeting their demands was financially untenable.
He made his remarks following an apology from Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall, who expressed regret over a 28-month delay in dispatching letters to individuals born in the 1950s who were affected by changes to the state pension.
She expressed her disagreement with the idea of issuing compensation.
Stay updated on political developments: Responses to the Waspi ruling
Ms. Kendall stated that the "vast majority of women were aware that the state pension age was on the rise," and she argued that a state-funded pay-out would not be "just or economical for the taxpayers."
The Liberal Democrats labeled the announcement as a "day of shame," criticizing the Labour government for abandoning numerous elderly women who they claim were treated unfairly.
In the mid-1990s, legislation was enacted to incrementally increase the retirement age for women over a decade, aligning it with the retirement age for men.
The coalition government subsequently accelerated the schedule as a component of its budget reduction strategies.
The Waspi organization claims that many women faced financial difficulties due to inadequate notice regarding the delay in retirement age.
A recent probe by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) revealed that failures in properly communicating changes could have negatively affected thousands of women.
The oversight body recommended that women be awarded damages ranging from £1,000 to £2,950, although the conclusions were not enforceable by law.
Discover Further: Who are the Waspi women and what are their experiences?
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Ms. Kendall stated that meeting that financial demand could reach as high as £10.5 billion, a sum she described as neither "fair nor proportionate."
She also expressed disagreement with the notion that earlier correspondence would have been impactful, pointing out that studies presented to the Ombudsman indicate "merely about 25% of recipients recall receiving or reading unsolicited letters."
She acknowledged that there were failures in communication regarding the changes and committed to fully understanding the mistakes to prevent them from recurring.
Addressing reporters later on, Ms. Kendall stated that the report would lead to "real and concrete actions," featuring a "comprehensive action plan aimed at preventing such delays in the future."
Addressing the media following the declaration, Sir Keir remarked, "I certainly recognize the worries of the Waspi women. However, I must also consider if it is currently appropriate to place an additional load on the taxpayers, as that would be the consequence."
The Waspi advocacy group expressed strong disapproval of the decision on X, pointing out that Ms. Kendall had earlier advocated for a "just resolution for everyone involved."
Angela Madden, the chairwoman of Waspi, described the refusal to offer compensation as a "strange and completely unwarranted action."
She stated: "A significant number of MPs support Waspi's demand for just compensation, and all alternatives are still being considered. Parliament must now find a different method to bring this matter to the agenda, ensuring justice is served."
This could rank as one of the largest political missteps, similar to the chancellor's reduction in winter fuel allowances.
Chief political correspondent
In the Commons, Liz Kendall announced that the WASPI women would not receive any compensation, prompting cries of "shame!" from fellow MPs.
Certainly, it's no surprise. Might this rival Rachel Reeves' decision to cut winter fuel payments for the elderly in terms of political missteps? It very well could, especially with the strong negative reactions it has already provoked.
Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and his shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, had pledged compensation during the campaign leading up to the December 2019 general election.
Mr. McDonnell announced a compensation plan worth £58 billion aimed at rectifying a long-standing injustice, stating that there is a "debt of honor" due to women who were born in the 1950s.
Indeed, Sir Keir Starmer led the Labour Party into this year's election with a transformed agenda. Furthermore, this year's election manifesto did not include the previous commitments made during the Corbyn-McDonnell era.
In a 2022 radio call-in session, the prime minister expressed to a listener, "This is a genuine wrong that must be addressed."
In 2019, while serving in Mr. Corbyn's shadow cabinet, Angela Rayner accused the Conservative government of having "taken this money" from women born in the 1950s, asserting that Labour intended to "correct this wrong."
Additionally, Liz Kendall was present at a WASPI campaign event in 2019, where she stated, "This injustice cannot continue. I have consistently supported the WASPI campaign…”
It's hardly shocking, therefore, that numerous recently elected MPs from the Labour Party now sense a feeling of betrayal. "It seems as though we built this massive alliance during the election, only to now be determined to dismantle it bit by bit," one freshman Labour MP expressed to Sky News.
If it was deemed unfair in both 2019 and 2022, doesn't it remain unfair today? Should other affected communities, such as sub-postmasters and victims of infected blood, feel concerned now?
Members of the Labour Party voiced their criticism of the decision within the House of Commons.
Gareth Snell, representing Stoke-on-Trent Central, expressed today as a "sad moment" and urged the government to reconsider its stance should economic conditions get better.
Brian Leishman, representing Alloa and Grangemouth, expressed his shock and dismay at the decision not to compensate the women, describing it as "a tremendous disappointment."
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High-Stakes Meeting: Nigel Farage, Elon Musk, and JD Vance Convene at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Amid £78m Donation Speculations

Nigel Farage, leader of Reform UK, visited Donald Trump's residence where he encountered both Elon Musk and JD Vance, the newly elected vice president. During this gathering, there were discussions suggesting that Musk might contribute as much as £78 million to Farage's political party.
Political journalist @alexrogerssky
Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at 2
Nigel Farage and his party's financial officer held their first meeting with Elon Musk at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, following speculations about a substantial monetary contribution from the technology magnate.
The leader of Reform UK and Nick Candy, a billionaire and husband to singer Holly Valance, who is set to begin his role as the party's fundraiser in the upcoming year, had a meeting on Monday, December 16, according to the party's statement.
The gathering occurs amid claims that Mr. Musk was contemplating a donation of £78 million to Mr. Farage, a supporter of Mr. Trump, as a provocative gesture directed at Mr. Starmer.
Subsequently, Mr. Farage shared on Twitter that he had a meeting with JD Vance, who is poised to assume the role of vice president
According to a report from The Times last month, should Mr. Musk choose to proceed with the donation, he plans to channel the funds via the UK division of his social media company X, previously known as Twitter, as a strategy to navigate around British regulations that restrict political contributions from overseas sources.
Latest in Politics: Labour Declines Compensation for Women Affected by Pension Age Adjustment
Shortly following his win in the election, the incoming President Trump announced that Mr. Musk, owner of Tesla and X and the wealthiest individual globally, has been appointed to help direct the newly established government efficiency agency, abbreviated as DOGE.
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Mr. Farage and Mr. Candy have both rejected claims regarding a possible donation. The leader of Reform informed Sky News' political editor, Beth Rigby, that there was no truth to the story.
"Elon Musk is highly supportive of Reform's objectives and of me personally. We have established connections with him, and Nick also maintains strong ties with him."
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"He is providing us with political backing. At this point, we have not requested nor received any financial contributions."
Nonetheless, both individuals have stated that they would accept a contribution from Mr. Musk should he propose one.
After their discussion, Mr. Farage and Mr. Candy remarked, "We had a fantastic one-hour session with Elon Musk yesterday."
"We gained significant insights into Trump's campaign strategies and will continue to explore various other topics."
"There's just one opportunity remaining to rescue the West, and together, we can achieve remarkable feats."
"We also extend our gratitude to President Trump for providing Mar-a-Lago as the venue for this significant gathering. The unique bond remains strong and intact."
Reports of Reform's meeting with Mr. Musk may raise alarms over external interference in local political affairs.
Earlier in the month, Sky News obtained a recording from a video conference where the co-chair of the Conservative Party, Lord Johnson, was heard accusing Mr. Musk of trying to "purchase" Reform UK during a discussion with Tory activists.
Lord Johnson of Lainston described Mr. Musk's action of purchasing one of the political parties as "extraordinary."
Further details: Sir Keir Starmer clarifies stance on China following espionage controversy. Conservative co-chair alleges Elon Musk attempted to 'purchase' Reform UK.
He stated that Mr. Farage ought to feel "quite ashamed" and suggested that he may turn into a "tool for an overseas political figure" should he receive any contributions from Mr. Musk.
Highlighting the strain between the Conservative Party and the Reform Party, Lord Johnson expressed his annoyance about the rumored contribution from Mr. Musk to the Reform Party. He described it as "irritating because it diverts attention, and I'm quite conscious that today's discussions focus on Reform instead of Kemi Badenoch and the Conservative's latest initiatives."
"He emphasized the need to capture and hold the public's focus to ensure they reconsider us as their primary option instead of turning to what he described as an impractical substitute."
The spokesperson for the prime minister stated that the appropriateness of a sizable contribution from Mr. Musk to a UK political party falls under the jurisdiction of the regulatory guidelines, in response to inquiries about whether such a donation would concern Sir Keir Starmer.
He further stated, "Current regulations on foreign contributions are in place, yet the government has pledged to enhance these regulations."
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High-Stakes Politics: Farage, Musk, and Vance Converge at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Amid £78m Donation Buzz
Nigel Farage was recently at Donald Trump's residence for a gathering that included Elon Musk and newly elected Vice President JD Vance. During this meeting, there are circulating rumors that Musk might contribute £78 million to Farage's Reform UK party.
Political correspondent @alexrogerssky
Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 2:
Nigel Farage and the financial overseer of his party convened with Elon Musk at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, marking their first encounter since speculation arose about a substantial financial contribution from the technology mogul.
According to the party, the leader of Reform UK and Nick Candy, the wealthy entrepreneur married to singer Holly Valance, who is set to assume a fundraising position for Mr. Farage’s party, had a meeting on Monday, December 16.
The gathering follows claims that Mr. Musk was contemplating a donation of £78 million to Mr. Farage, a supporter of Mr. Trump, as a provocative gesture aimed at Mr. Starmer.
Subsequently, Mr. Farage posted on Twitter that he had a meeting with JD Vance, who is poised to assume the role of vice president
According to a report by The Times last month, should Mr. Musk choose to contribute, he plans to channel his donation via the UK branch of his social media company X, previously known as Twitter, to bypass British regulations that prohibit political contributions from overseas donors.
Latest in Politics: Labour Declines Compensation for Women Affected by Pension Age Alteration
Following his successful election campaign, President-elect Trump announced that Mr. Musk, owner of Tesla and X and currently the wealthiest individual globally, will help spearhead the newly established department focused on improving government operations, abbreviated as DOGE.
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ABC has settled to pay $15 million to Donald Trump's presidential library as part of a defamation lawsuit resolution.
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Mr. Farage and Mr. Candy have both refuted claims of a possible contribution, with the leader of Reform informing Sky News' political editor Beth Rigby that it is a "story with no foundation in reality".
"Elon Musk is highly supportive of Reform's objectives and of me personally. We maintain connections with him, and Nick also has strong ties with him."
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"He is providing us with political backing. As of now, we have not requested nor received any financial contributions."
Both individuals indicated that they would accept a contribution from Mr. Musk should he propose one.
After their discussion, Mr. Farage and Mr. Candy stated, "We had a wonderful hour-long meeting with Elon Musk yesterday."
"We gained significant insights into Trump's grassroots strategies and will continue conversations on various other topics.
"We have just one final opportunity to rescue the West, and by uniting, we can achieve remarkable feats."
"We are also grateful to President Trump for granting us the use of Mar-a-Lago for this momentous event. The unique bond remains strong and intact."
Reports of a meeting between Reform representatives and Mr. Musk could raise alarms over potential foreign interference in local political affairs.
Earlier in the month, Sky News obtained access to an audio recording from a virtual meeting where the co-chair of the Conservative Party, Lord Johnson, was heard alleging that Mr. Musk tried to "purchase" Reform UK during a discussion with Tory supporters.
Lord Johnson of Lainston described Mr. Musk's action of purchasing a political party as "extraordinary."
Discover more: Sir Keir Starmer stands by his stance on China following espionage controversy. Conservative co-chair alleges Elon Musk attempted to 'purchase' Reform UK.
He stated that Mr. Farage ought to feel "quite ashamed" for considering it, noting that accepting donations from Mr. Musk could make him a "tool of an international political figure."
Highlighting the strain between the Conservative Party and the Reform Party, Lord Johnson expressed his annoyance regarding rumors of a possible contribution from Mr. Musk to the Reform Party. He described these speculations as "irritating as they divert attention, and I'm conscious that today's discussions are focused on Reform rather than Kemi Badenoch and the Conservative's latest initiatives."
"He emphasized the importance of capturing and maintaining public interest to ensure that people focus on us once more instead of turning to what he described as an impractical option."
The spokesperson for the prime minister stated that when it comes to a sizable contribution from Mr. Musk to a British political party, the issue falls under the jurisdiction of the relevant regulations, in response to inquiries about whether such a donation would concern Sir Keir Starmer.
He noted: "While rules on foreign donations are already in place, the government has pledged to enhance these regulations."
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