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Fluid AI Revolutionizes Neural Network Architecture

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Artificial intelligence, despite its ability to tackle high-level mathematics, engage in intricate thought processes, and utilize personal computers, could yet benefit from insights drawn from tiny worms.

Today, Liquid AI, an innovative startup originating from MIT, is set to unveil a series of advanced AI models. These models are built on an innovative "liquid" neural network architecture, which promises enhanced efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and greater transparency compared to traditional neural networks that drive a wide range of applications, from chatbots and image creation tools to facial recognition technologies.

Liquid AI has introduced several innovative models, including tools for identifying fraudulent activities in financial dealings, managing autonomous vehicles, and examining genetic information. At a presentation at MIT, the firm showcased these models, which are available for licensing by other businesses. Financial backing for the company comes from several investors, among them Samsung and Shopify, both of which are currently evaluating its technologies.

"Liquid AI is expanding," declares Ramin Hasani, the company's cofounder and chief executive officer, who initially developed the concept of liquid networks during his time as a graduate student at MIT. The genesis of Hasani's work was the behavior and structure of the C. elegans, a tiny worm commonly found in decaying plant matter or soil. This organism is notable for being one of the select few whose entire nervous system has been completely mapped, displaying an impressive range of behaviors despite having a mere few hundred neurons. "What began as an academic endeavor has now fully transitioned into a commercially viable technology, poised to deliver significant benefits to businesses," explains Hasani.

In a typical neural network, every artificial neuron's characteristics are determined by a fixed numerical value or "weight" that influences its activation. However, in a liquid neural network, the activity of each neuron is dictated by a formula that forecasts its actions through time, and as the network operates, it calculates a series of interconnected equations. This architecture renders the network both more adaptable and efficient, enabling it to continue learning beyond the initial training phase, in contrast to traditional neural networks. Furthermore, liquid neural networks offer a level of transparency not found in current models, as their functioning can essentially be traced backward to understand the process leading to a specific outcome.

In 2020, a team of scientists demonstrated that a notably compact network, comprised of merely 19 neurons and 253 synapses, was capable of operating a simulated autonomous vehicle. This is significantly minimal compared to contemporary norms. Unlike conventional neural networks that process visual data in discrete moments, this fluid network adeptly tracks the dynamic evolution of visual inputs. By 2022, the creators behind Liquid AI discovered an efficient method that significantly reduced the computational effort required for liquid neural networks, making them viable for real-world applications.

Liquid AI claims to have advanced its research, creating innovative models that it currently chooses to withhold from public disclosure. This September, the firm showcased several expansive language models derived from its unique network architecture. According to the startup, one iteration of its language model, which boasts 40 billion parameters, surpassed the performance of Meta's 70-billion-parameter Llama 3.1 model on a widely recognized suite of problems referred to as MMLU-Pro.

"The performance benchmarks for their Spatial Light Modulators (SLMs) appear to be quite encouraging," remarks Sébastien Bubeck, a researcher from OpenAI dedicated to investigating the impact of architecture and training on the efficiency of AI models.

"Discovering a novel foundation model is a rare occurrence," states Tom Preston-Werner, GitHub's cofounder and an initial investor in Liquid AI. He observes that the transformer models, which serve as the basis for large language models and various AI technologies, are beginning to reveal their constraints. Preston-Werner emphasizes the importance of enhancing AI's efficiency as a major goal for all. "It's crucial that we exert every effort to avoid prolonging the operation of coal plants," he remarks.

A limitation of Liquid AI's methodology is its networks' predisposition towards specific assignments, notably those dealing with time-sensitive information. Adapting the system to handle different data formats necessitates specialized programming. Additionally, convincing major corporations to rely on an entirely novel AI framework for critical initiatives poses a significant hurdle.

Hasani emphasizes that the current objective is to show that the advantages, such as improved efficiency, greater transparency, and reduced energy expenses, surpass the obstacles. "We're reaching phases where these frameworks can significantly reduce many of the social and technical difficulties associated with AI systems," he notes.

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AI Search Engines Criticized for Amplifying Scientific Racism Through Flawed IQ Studies




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Google, Microsoft, and Perplexity Accused of Facilitating Racist Ideologies Through Search Outcomes

Artificial intelligence-powered search platforms by Google, Microsoft, and Perplexity are under scrutiny for displaying search results that propagate racist theories and discredited studies suggesting genetic supremacy of white individuals over those of other races.

Patrik Hermansson, an investigator affiliated with the British anti-discrimination organization Hope Not Hate, found himself deep into an extended probe into the revival of race science theories. During this period, he sought further details about a discredited dataset arguing that IQ tests could demonstrate the supremacy of the white race.

He was conducting an inquiry into the Human Diversity Foundation, a firm focused on racial science, which received financial backing from Andrew Conru, an American technology mogul known for creating Adult Friend Finder. This organization, established in 2022, served as the modern iteration of the Pioneer Fund, an entity initiated in 1937 by American supporters of Nazi ideology, dedicated to advancing concepts of "racial improvement" and "racial realism."

Hermansson accessed Google and started searching for the intelligence quotients (IQs) of various countries. Upon entering "Pakistan IQ" into the search bar, instead of seeing the usual array of search results, Hermansson encountered Google's AI-driven Overviews feature, which was unexpectedly activated as the default setting. This tool provided him with a clear response of 80.

Upon entering "Sierra Leone IQ" into Google's AI feature, it provided a precise figure: 45.07. Similarly, the search for "Kenya IQ" yielded an equally precise number: 75.2.

Hermansson instantly realized that the figures being relayed to him were sourced directly from the very research he aimed to discredit, authored by a prominent figure of the movement he sought to reveal.

The information provided by Google originated from a dataset released by Richard Lynn, a professor at the University of Ulster who passed away in 2023 and served as the president of the Pioneer Fund for twenty years.

"Hermansson describes his impact as colossal. He remained a central figure and the beacon of inspiration for the movement until his passing. Right up until his final moments, he played a pivotal role in leading it," Hermansson states.

An investigation by WIRED corroborated the observations made by Hermansson and revealed that additional AI-powered search engines, including Microsoft’s Copilot and Perplexity, reference Lynn’s studies in response to inquiries about national IQ scores. Lynn’s controversial research, which has been a staple among far-right radicals, white supremacists, and eugenics advocates to argue for the genetic and intellectual superiority of white people over non-white individuals, is now raising concerns among experts. They fear that AI's dissemination of these ideas could contribute to the radicalization of more people.

"Blindly accepting these 'statistics' poses significant issues," says Rebecca Sear, who heads the Center for Culture and Evolution at Brunel University London, in a conversation with WIRED. "Therefore, employing these figures does more than just distribute false information; it also supports the agenda of scientific racism, which is the wrongful application of science to argue that racial hierarchies and disparities are normal and unchangeable."

Supporting her argument, Sear highlighted that the white supremacist responsible for the 2022 mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, referenced Lynn’s studies in his actions.

Earlier in the year, Google introduced AI Overviews, a new feature aimed at enhancing its dominant search engine to adapt to the rapidly changing digital landscape influenced by artificial intelligence. This feature, currently accessible only in select nations, offers users an AI-crafted synopsis for various search inquiries. It aggregates data from across the web, providing answers directly to users, eliminating the need to visit any external websites.

The summary provided by AI Overview initially lacked direct attribution to its sources, leading to user dissatisfaction due to the absence of visible article references. Responding to this feedback, Google has now incorporated a feature that displays the title of a source next to the AI-generated summary. Since its introduction in May, AI Overviews have encountered several problems, prompting Google to acknowledge the mishandling of its much-anticipated debut. By default, AI Overviews are active in search results and cannot be disabled without resorting to the use of third-party plugins. Hermansson, a researcher, shared with WIRED, "It was activated on its own; I didn't turn it on. I'm not sure how it got activated."

Regarding the intelligence quotient (IQ) findings, Google cited numerous references, such as content on X, Facebook, and several lesser-known listicle platforms, among them World Population Review. Almost without exception, tracing the origins of these sources reveals they all point to the controversial dataset compiled by Lynn. (In certain instances, although the specific figures Lynn reported are mentioned, the websites fail to acknowledge Lynn as their origin.)

When asking Google’s Gemini AI chatbot the same question, it offered a more detailed answer. “One should be careful when engaging in conversations about national IQ scores,” was the chatbot’s reply to the question “Pakistan IQ.” The response went on to say: “IQ tests are mainly developed for Western cultures and may not fairly assess people from various backgrounds.”

Google informed WIRED that its systems did not function properly in this instance and is exploring options to enhance them.

"Google has implemented safeguards and rules to prevent subpar responses, and we promptly address any Overviews that breach our guidelines," Ned Adriance, a spokesperson for Google, informed WIRED. "The Overviews in question breached our guidelines and have been eliminated. We aim for AI Overviews to link to superior content, enabling users to delve deeper, although it's acknowledged that high-quality web content may be scarce for certain queries."

WIRED's investigations indicate that although AI Overviews for inquiries regarding national IQs seem to have been disabled, the outcomes continue to highlight inaccurate data from Lynn's studies through what is known as a "featured snippet," – a section that showcases a portion of text from a website above its link.

Google remained silent when asked to comment on the new update.

However, Google isn't the only one spreading these hazardous ideas. Upon conducting the same search with other AI-driven internet search platforms, WIRED discovered comparable outcomes.

Perplexity, a company specializing in AI search technology known for generating content spontaneously, replied to a question regarding "Pakistan IQ" by indicating that "there are considerable differences in reported average IQ levels in Pakistan, depending on the information source."

Subsequently, it enumerates several references, among them a discussion on Reddit that utilized the studies conducted by Lynn and the identical World Population Review webpage that was mentioned in Google’s AI Summary. In response to an inquiry regarding the IQ average in Sierra Leone, the Perplexity specifically quoted Lynn’s data, stating: “The average IQ in Sierra Leone is documented as 45.07, placing it amongst the lowest worldwide.”

Perplexity remained silent when asked for their opinion.

Microsoft's Bing search engine features a chatbot named Copilot that confidently stated, "The average IQ in Pakistan is estimated to be about 80," attributing this information to a site named IQ International, which lacks citation for its data. In response to a query about "Sierra Leone IQ," Copilot indicated that it was 91, directing users to a site named that cites the studies of Lynn. Additionally, when asked about the IQ level in Kenya, Copilot again pointed to information from

"Copilot generates responses by synthesizing data from various online platforms into one coherent answer," Microsoft representative Caitlin Roulston explains to WIRED. “Copilot includes referenced links allowing users to delve deeper and conduct their own investigations, similar to how they would utilize a conventional search engine.”

Google mentioned that one challenge it encounters in creating AI Summaries is the lack of high-quality content on the web for certain niche topics. It's clear that the work of Lynn does not fall into this category of high quality.

Sear pointed out that the scientific foundation of Lynn's 'national IQs' database is so flawed that it's hard to see it as anything other than deceitful. He highlighted that Lynn has failed to explain how he chose the samples for the database, and that the IQ estimates for many countries are based on laughably small and unrepresentative samples.

Sear highlights that Lynn's calculation of Angola's IQ is derived from data on merely 19 individuals, and his assessment of Eritrea's IQ comes from studies on children residing in orphanages.

"Rutherford criticized the foundation of the dataset created by Lynn, highlighting its lack of credibility and flaws on several levels," he explained, noting that the data point for Somalia in Lynn's collection was derived from a singular group of refugee children, ages 8 to 18, assessed in a refugee camp in Kenya. Furthermore, he mentioned that the figure for Botswana was obtained from an isolated group of 104 Tswana-speaking high school students, ranging in age from 7 to 20, who underwent testing in English.

Opponents of employing national IQ assessments to advance notions of racial superiority highlight that the samples gathered are often of poor quality. Additionally, they argue that these tests are fundamentally skewed as they are primarily devised for Western populations, thus introducing bias from the outset.

Sears pointed out that findings suggest Lynn deliberately skewed the database by selectively incorporating instances of low IQs and omitting those with high IQs from African countries, a claim supported by a preliminary study released in 2020.

Over several decades, Lynn released multiple editions of his dataset on global IQ levels, with his latest edition titled “The Intelligence of Nations” coming out in 2019. Throughout this period, Lynn's controversial research has been cited by extremist and racially biased organizations to support assertions of Caucasian supremacy. Additionally, the information was transformed into a global map with colors, depicting countries in sub-Saharan Africa in red to indicate supposedly lower IQ levels, while Western countries were marked in blue.

"Rutherford points out that this type of data visualization is commonly found across [X, previously referred to as Twitter], and throughout social media platforms. He mentions that in online spaces frequented by racists, this is often presented as evidence to support their arguments, with a directive to 'Examine the data. Observe the map.'"

However, Rutherford argues that responsibility should not be placed solely on AI technologies but also on the scientific community, which has for years accepted and referenced Lynn’s research without sufficient scrutiny.

"Rutherford pointed out that it's hardly shocking to see AI systems referencing Lynn's contributions to the field of IQ, given the widespread acceptance his research has garnered across vast segments of the academic community. He highlighted that Lynn's databases on national IQ scores have been referenced in academic literature hundreds of times. Therefore, according to Rutherford, the blame should not be placed on AI technology but rather on the academic institutions that have uncritically embraced Lynn's findings."

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Anthropic Unveils Claude: The AI That Can Operate Your Computer, Aiming to Transform Routine Tasks into Automated Ease




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Anthropic Aims for Its AI to Operate Your PC

Initially, there was a period of adjustment required for individuals to get comfortable with the concept of chatbots appearing to possess their own intellects. Now, the forthcoming challenge might be to have faith in artificial intelligence to also manage our computer systems.

Today, Anthropic, a leading rival of OpenAI, revealed that its AI system, named Claude, has been trained to perform various tasks on a computer, such as browsing the internet, launching apps, and entering text through mouse and keyboard interactions.

"Jared Kaplan, Anthropic's chief science officer and associate professor at Johns Hopkins University, believes we are on the verge of a revolutionary period in which models will have the ability to utilize all the tools humans employ to accomplish tasks."

Kaplan presented WIRED with a previously recorded demonstration where a version of Claude, capable of utilizing tools, was tasked with organizing a trip to watch the sunrise at the Golden Gate Bridge alongside a companion. Following the request, Claude initiated the Chrome web browser, conducted a search on Google to gather pertinent details like the best location for viewing and the prime time for arrival, and then proceeded to employ a calendar application to set up an event to be shared with a companion. (The demonstration did not extend to providing additional guidelines, for instance, the most efficient route to reach the destination.)

During a subsequent demonstration, Claude was tasked with creating a basic website for self-promotion. In an almost dreamlike scenario, the AI model utilized its own interface to input a command, triggering the generation of the required code. Following this, it employed Visual Studio Code, a widely-used programming editor from Microsoft, to construct a straightforward website. It then proceeded to launch a text terminal to initiate a basic web server for the site's testing. The outcome was a fairly good website with a retro, 1990s vibe as its landing page. When prompted to rectify an issue on the website, Claude revisited the code editor, pinpointed the problematic code segment, and removed it.

Anthropic's Chief Product Officer, Mike Krieger, expresses the company's aspiration for AI assistants to handle mundane administrative duties, allowing individuals to focus on more creative pursuits. “Imagine eliminating several hours spent on repetitive tasks like copying and pasting. What would you do with that extra time?” he muses. “For me, it would mean more time for playing guitar.”

Starting today, Anthropic is offering access to the advanced capabilities of its most sophisticated multimodal large language model, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, via its application programming interface (API). Additionally, the firm unveiled an upgraded iteration of a more compact model, Claude 3.5 Haiku, today.

Showcases of artificial intelligence (AI) systems often impress audiences, yet ensuring these technologies operate smoothly and without significant (or expensive) mistakes in practical applications remains difficult. Present-day versions are capable of responding to inquiries and engaging in dialogue with a level of proficiency that closely resembles human interaction. They serve as the foundation for chatbots like ChatGPT from OpenAI and Gemini from Google. Furthermore, these systems are adept at executing computer-based tasks upon receiving straightforward instructions, by either interacting with the computer's display and input devices such as keyboards and trackpads, or via direct software interfaces.

Anthropic reports that its AI system, Claude, surpasses other AI models in various critical evaluations, among them SWE-bench, a benchmark assessing the software engineering prowess of an agent, and OSWorld, a test measuring an agent's proficiency in navigating and utilizing a computer OS. These assertions, however, await confirmation from independent sources. According to Anthropic, Claude achieves a success rate of 14.9 percent in correctly executing tasks within OSWorld. Although this performance is significantly below the average human success rate of about 75 percent, it is notably better than the performance of the leading competitors, including OpenAI's GPT-4, which has a success rate of approximately 7.7 percent.

Anthropic reports that numerous firms are currently experimenting with the agentic iteration of Claude. This encompasses Canva, employing it for design and editing automation, and Replit, which utilizes the model to assist with programming tasks. Additional initial adopters comprise The Browser Company, Asana, and Notion.

Ofir Press, who is conducting postdoctoral research at Princeton University and contributed to creating SWE-bench, points out that AI with agency often falls short in long-term planning and frequently has difficulty correcting its mistakes. He emphasizes the importance of demonstrating their utility by achieving robust results in challenging and practical tests. For instance, he mentions the significance of the AI's ability to consistently organize various travel plans for a user and handle all the associated ticket reservations.

Kaplan points out Claude's impressive ability to rectify certain mistakes quite adeptly. For example, when encountering a critical failure during the launch of a web server, the model skillfully altered its command to rectify the issue. Additionally, it figured out the necessity of allowing popups to overcome obstacles while navigating the internet.

Numerous technology firms are currently in a competitive rush to create artificial intelligence tools, aiming to secure a larger portion of the market and gain significant recognition. Indeed, the time may soon arrive when numerous individuals will have access to these AI tools readily. Microsoft has invested over $13 billion in OpenAI and is currently experimenting with tools that are capable of operating Windows computers. Meanwhile, Amazon, having made substantial investments in Anthropic, is investigating the potential for these tools to suggest and, in the future, directly purchase items for its consumers.

Sonya Huang, a Sequoia venture firm partner with a focus on AI enterprises, mentioned that despite the hype surrounding AI agents, the majority of businesses are essentially just giving AI-enhanced tools a new name. In a conversation with WIRED prior to the announcement from Anthropic, she shared her insight that the technology presently excels in specific areas, like tasks related to programming. "It's essential to select areas where it's acceptable for the model to make mistakes," she notes. "These are the areas where companies genuinely dedicated to agent-based solutions will emerge."

One of the major difficulties in managing advanced AI is that mistakes can have much more serious consequences than a confused chatbot response. To mitigate these issues, Anthropic has set specific limitations on Claude's capabilities, such as restricting its power to make purchases using an individual's credit card.

Press from Princeton University believes that if mistakes can be sufficiently prevented, users may begin to perceive AI and computers from an entirely fresh perspective. "I'm extremely enthusiastic about this forthcoming period," he states.

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Unlocking the Future: How AI Unlocked Newsletter Empowers Users to Navigate the World of Artificial Intelligence




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Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence Is More Accessible Than Imagined

Growing up, the Disney Channel's original movie Smart House captivated me, igniting a lifelong interest in how cutting-edge technology could seamlessly integrate into our everyday existence. Throughout my tenure at WIRED, where I've spent the last two years exploring artificial intelligence applications and offering guidance on their utilization, I've come to realize that the reality of AI software significantly diverges from its portrayal in science fiction films or the exaggerated claims often presented in AI firms' promotional content.

Bearing this perspective in mind, I continue to view the latest batch of AI generative technologies as occasionally helpful, often amusing, and typically somewhat annoying.

The conviction I held spurred me to craft a follow-up season for our AI Unlocked newsletter. Over the recent months, it has become a project I've passionately pursued—engaging in conversations with industry specialists, exploring various tools, and gathering feedback from readers on last year's edition. This upcoming season aims to further encourage your exploration of AI technologies, all the while maintaining a grounded perspective on their potential.

I really need to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who interacted with us regarding AI. Through emails and the responses we received on our survey, we connected with more than a thousand individuals and dedicated numerous hours to meticulously review each question, suggestion, and piece of feedback. This invaluable information was instrumental in shaping the second season, and your contributions greatly enhanced my comprehension of the diverse viewpoints of WIRED's readership. It's clear from the feedback that there's a strong interest among readers in discovering ways AI can assist with personal projects, gaining more confidence in crafting prompts, and exploring which new tools are worth trying out.

For the second season of AI Unlocked, we've doubled the excitement and extended the newsletter to be delivered over ten days instead of the usual five. Every issue will delve into a unique aspect of utilizing AI technologies. Topics will range from enhancing your productivity with AI to the current risks of relying on AI for healthcare recommendations.

Several newsletters will showcase a section labeled “Prompt Pro Tip,” which will provide samples to assist in honing your abilities. Additionally, some editions will delve into the wider background information necessary for maximizing the benefits from your engagements with AI technologies. Furthermore, due to the large volume of intriguing inquiries received, I've opted to incorporate a “Mail Bag” segment at the newsletter's end to offer my thoughts and viewpoints on significant subjects.

What more is in store for the comeback of AI Unlock? The newsletter will persist in offering small-sized tasks aimed at enhancing your familiarity and proficiency with AI instruments. Furthermore, those who subscribe to WIRED on a paid basis will gain the chance to pose questions to me through live video chats, with further information on this to be provided in the near future.

You're going to receive a wealth of details through the newsletters, so it's wise to set up a dedicated folder in your email for AI Unlocked. By doing this, you can review the daily newsletters at your leisure and also keep them stored for future reference, whether you're in search of additional reading materials or more chances to practice.

As a reporter, it's incredibly rewarding to receive feedback from our audience. We hope you find the second season enjoyable and informative, encouraging you to ask questions and feel more confident using chatbot technologies. If you were subscribed to the first season, you'll automatically get the second season delivered to your email. If you're new here, a warm welcome to you! You can catch up on season 1 online at your convenience. However, don't hesitate to jump straight into season 2, too. I've crafted these newsletters to be engaging and informative for both newcomers and those already familiar with the tech.

I'm eagerly looking forward to embarking on our next adventure, and I'm hoping you're just as thrilled!

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News Giants Wage Legal Battle Against AI Startup Perplexity for ‘Hallucinating’ Fake News Content




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Legal Action Targets Perplexity for Artificially Generated Misinformation

A recent legal challenge against the emerging company Perplexity alleges that it not only infringes copyright regulations but also breaches trademark laws by fabricating parts of news articles and inaccurately crediting these fabrications to established publishers.

Today, Dow Jones, the company behind The Wall Street Journal, and the New York Post, both subsidiaries of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, filed a copyright infringement case against Perplexity in the Southern District of New York, USA.

Perplexity has previously encountered issues with news organizations. Just a few weeks ago, The New York Times issued a formal notice to Perplexity, accusing it of unauthorized use of its content. Over the summer, investigations by Forbes and WIRED revealed instances where Perplexity seemed to have copied articles. Following these findings, Condé Nast, the parent company of both Forbes and WIRED, also dispatched formal warnings to Perplexity.

An investigation conducted by WIRED this past summer, which this legal action references, revealed how Perplexity provided incorrect summaries of WIRED's articles. This included a specific case where Perplexity erroneously stated that WIRED covered a story about a police officer in California being involved in a criminal act he was actually innocent of. Earlier today, The Wall Street Journal reported that Perplexity is aiming to secure $500 million in its upcoming round of financing, targeting a valuation of $8 billion.

Dow Jones and the New York Post have highlighted instances where Perplexity, an AI system, reportedly generated completely made-up parts within news articles. In the context of artificial intelligence, "hallucination" refers to the phenomenon where AI models create and output information that is entirely false, treating it as true.

In a highlighted instance, Perplexity Pro initially replicated exactly two sections from an article by the New York Post discussing a disagreement between US senator Jim Jordan and European Union commissioner Thierry Breton regarding Elon Musk and X. Subsequently, it added five original paragraphs discussing the concepts of free speech and internet governance, which were absent in the original publication.

The legal action alleges that incorporating these fabricated sections into genuine journalism and falsely associating them with the Post constitutes trademark dilution, potentially misleading readers. "Confusion's illusions, presented as legitimate news and content from credible sources (under the guise of Plaintiffs’ trademarks), undermine the worth of Plaintiffs' trademarks by introducing doubt and skepticism into the process of news collection and dissemination, in addition to injuring the news-reading audience," the lawsuit asserts.

Perplexity remained silent when approached for a statement.

In an email to WIRED, Robert Thomson, the CEO of News Corp, made a less than favorable comparison between Perplexity and OpenAI. He praised OpenAI for their commitment to integrity and creativity, highlighting these as crucial for fulfilling the promise of Artificial Intelligence. "Unlike Perplexity, which isn't alone in misusing intellectual property, it won't be the last AI firm we actively and meticulously confront," Thomson’s statement read. "Although our preference leans towards engagement over litigation, the protection of our journalists, authors, and the corporation compels us to stand against this theft of content."

OpenAI is currently embroiled in a legal battle over claims of trademark dilution. In a case titled New York Times v. OpenAI, the newspaper accuses OpenAI and its partner Microsoft of tarnishing its image. Specifically, the Times contends that ChatGPT and Bing Chat misattribute fabricated statements to the publication. One instance highlighted in the lawsuit involves Bing Chat incorrectly stating that the Times endorsed red wine, in moderation, as beneficial for heart health, a claim the newspaper asserts it has actually refuted in its reporting.

"Using news articles to run alternative, profit-driven AI services is illegal, a point we emphasized through our correspondence with Perplexity and our legal actions against Microsoft and OpenAI," states Charlie Stadtlander, the New York Times' director of external communications. "We commend the legal action taken by Dow Jones and the New York Post, viewing it as a crucial move in safeguarding publisher materials from such unauthorized use."

Several legal authorities are questioning the effectiveness of pursuing charges related to false designation of origin and trademark dilution. Intellectual property attorney Vincent Allen, a partner with Carstens, Allen & Gourley, is of the opinion that the copyright infringement allegations present in this case are more substantial. He would be "surprised" if the charge concerning false designation of origin is upheld. Allen, along with James Grimmelmann, a digital and internet law professor at Cornell University, points to the significant Dastar v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. case as a potential obstacle. This case, which dealt with a controversy surrounding historical World War II footage, led the Supreme Court to determine that "origin" in trademark law does not cover the authorship but rather is confined to physical items—such as counterfeit merchandise—instead of pirated creative content like movies. Moreover, Grimmelmann expresses doubts about the success of the trademark dilution argument, explaining, "Dilution refers to using a trademark in a manner that diminishes the uniqueness of a well-known mark. I … simply don't see it happening in this instance."

Should publishers succeed in their case that hallucinations can infringe upon trademark rights, AI firms might encounter "significant challenges," says Matthew Sag, who specializes in law and artificial intelligence at Emory University.

"Sag believes that ensuring a language model never produces fabricated content is utterly unfeasible. He argues that due to their design, which involves generating words that seem appropriate in response to given cues, language models are inherently engaged in a form of making things up—though, at times, the results can appear more believable than at other times."

"We label it as a hallucination only when it conflicts with our perception of reality, yet the mechanism behind it remains identical, regardless of whether we approve of the result or not."

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Revolutionizing the Future: Unveiling the Power of Top AI Innovations at and




TL;DR: Leading the charge in technology innovation, top AI platforms like,, and are transforming industries with their advanced capabilities in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, and more. focuses on cognitive computing and pattern recognition for predictive analytics, while specializes in content generation and Big Data insights. is revolutionizing the automotive industry with its Autonomous Systems and Smart Technology. These platforms are enhancing various sectors including healthcare, manufacturing, and customer service through Robotics, Automation, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing, showcasing the vast potential and future direction of AI technologies.

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront, heralding a new era of innovation and transformation. AI, the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, is not just a futuristic concept but a present reality, deeply embedded in our daily lives. From virtual assistants that understand and respond to our queries, to self-driving cars navigating the complexities of real-world traffic, AI's impact is profound and pervasive. This article delves into the pinnacle of AI innovation, spotlighting how leading technologies from platforms like and are not just shaping the future but actively molding the present.

With AI's broad spectrum encompassing machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, and more, industries across the board are experiencing revolutionary changes. The applications of AI are vast and varied, transforming sectors such as healthcare, finance, automotive, and beyond. Through the lens of top AI technologies, such as those developed by and, we explore the depth and breadth of AI's capabilities. These platforms exemplify the advancements in deep learning neural networks, cognitive computing, data science, and intelligent systems, driving forward the boundaries of what machines can learn, perceive, and decide.

As we navigate through the intricacies of AI algorithms, augmented intelligence, predictive analytics, big data, and autonomous systems, this article will provide insights into how AI is not just an auxiliary tool but a fundamental pillar of smart technology. The role of AI in enhancing pattern recognition, speech recognition, and overall automation will be examined, revealing the critical components that make AI an indispensable asset in the digital age. Join us in exploring how top AI technologies like those from and are not merely participants but key players in the narrative of technological advancement, steering us towards a future where the integration of AI in every aspect of life is seamless and intuitive.

"Exploring the Pinnacle of Innovation: How Top AI Technologies Like and Are Shaping the Future"

AI innovation reshapes future, transcends boundaries.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront of innovation, fundamentally transforming industries and redefining human interaction with machines. Among the myriad of AI technologies, platforms like and are leading the charge, showcasing the remarkable capabilities and potential of AI to shape our future. These top AI technologies leverage a broad spectrum of AI subfields, including Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, and Robotics, to create intelligent systems capable of autonomously performing complex tasks., for instance, exemplifies the pinnacle of cognitive computing and automation. It utilizes advanced AI Algorithms and Neural Networks to analyze data, enabling predictive analytics that can foresee market trends or enhance decision-making processes. This platform represents a leap towards augmented intelligence, where human capabilities are enhanced through AI's data processing and pattern recognition prowess.

Similarly, is another beacon of AI innovation, focusing on creativity and content generation through Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. This platform can generate human-like text, provide valuable insights from Big Data, and automate content creation, showcasing AI's potential in transforming the digital landscape.

Further integrating AI into our lives, technologies like are revolutionizing industries such as the automotive sector by leveraging Autonomous Systems and Smart Technology. These platforms use AI to enhance the customer experience, from personalized car recommendations to autonomous driving features, demonstrating AI's role in creating more intelligent, efficient, and safe systems.

The integration of Robotics and Computer Vision in AI technologies has also paved the way for advancements in fields like healthcare and manufacturing. AI-driven robots can perform precise surgeries, improving patient outcomes, or automate production lines, increasing efficiency and safety.

Moreover, the application of AI in Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition has enhanced human-machine interaction, making it more natural and intuitive. Virtual assistants and chatbots have become more sophisticated, capable of understanding and processing human language with remarkable accuracy.

In conclusion, as AI continues to advance, platforms like and are not just showcasing the current capabilities of AI but are also pioneering the future of this technology. Through the integration of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, and other AI subfields, these technologies are setting new benchmarks in innovation. They are enabling predictive analytics, augmenting human intelligence, and automating complex processes, leading us towards a future where AI's potential is boundless. As we stand on the brink of this AI-driven era, it is clear that these top AI technologies are not only shaping our present but are also boldly defining the trajectory of our future.

In conclusion, the journey through the pinnacle of innovation, spotlighting top AI technologies like and, reveals a future where Artificial Intelligence is not just a facilitator but a pioneer in crafting a world that once existed only in the realm of science fiction. AI's vast subfields, from machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks to natural language processing, robotics, and computer vision, showcase the breadth and depth of its capabilities. The applications of these technologies, ranging from autonomous systems like to smart technology in medical diagnosis, financial forecasting, and beyond, underline the transformative power of AI.

As we stand on the brink of this new era, it's clear that the integration of AI into various sectors is revolutionizing industries and redefining the way we perceive intelligence, automation, and innovation. The advancements in predictive analytics, big data, and pattern recognition, powered by AI algorithms and cognitive computing, are setting new benchmarks in efficiency and accuracy. The evolution from simple automation to sophisticated autonomous systems and intelligent systems highlights the shift towards an augmented intelligence paradigm, where human capabilities are not replaced but enhanced by AI.

The exploration of and, along with other emerging platforms, illuminates the path forward for AI development. These platforms embody the cutting-edge of deep learning, neural networks, and natural language processing, driving forward the capabilities of AI in creativity, decision-making, and problem-solving. As we harness the power of AI, it's imperative to navigate the ethical and societal implications, ensuring that the growth of artificial intelligence aligns with the values and needs of humanity.

The future shaped by Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning, Robotics, Automation, Data Science, and Intelligent Systems promises a landscape where human potential is unlocked at unprecedented levels. The continued investment and innovation in AI technologies signal a commitment to a smarter, more efficient, and more connected world. As we move forward, the collaboration between humans and AI will undoubtedly unearth new possibilities, challenge existing boundaries, and create a future where the synergy between human and artificial intelligence redefines the essence of progress.

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AI in the Balance: How the 2024 US Presidential Election Could Shape the Future of Artificial Intelligence Regulation




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A Victory for Trump Might Lead to Risky AI Advancements

Should Donald Trump emerge victorious in the upcoming US presidential election this November, there's a possibility that the current restrictions on the progression of artificial intelligence could be lifted. This comes at a time when the threats posed by flawed AI systems are becoming more alarming.

Should Trump secure a second term in office, it could profoundly alter, and potentially undermine, initiatives aimed at safeguarding US citizens from the various risks associated with flawed artificial intelligence. This includes challenges like the spread of false information, biased practices, and the corruption of algorithms in technologies such as self-driving cars.

Under an executive order issued by President Joe Biden in October 2023, the federal government has started to supervise and counsel companies involved in artificial intelligence. However, Trump has promised to overturn this directive, arguing through the Republican Party's stance that it obstructs the progress of AI technology and enforces extreme liberal concepts on the development of AI.

Trump's commitment has excited detractors of the executive order, which they view as unlawful, perilous, and a hindrance to the United States' technological competition with China. Among those detractors are several of Trump's key supporters, ranging from X CEO Elon Musk and venture capitalist Marc Andreessen to Republican congresspeople and almost 24 Republican state attorneys general. Trump's vice-presidential candidate, Senator JD Vance from Ohio, is firmly against regulating AI.

"Jacob Helberg, a technology leader and advocate for artificial intelligence, often referred to as the 'Silicon Valley’s liaison to Trump,' states that Republicans are cautious about hastily imposing excessive regulations on the sector."

However, technology and cybersecurity specialists caution that removing the Executive Order's safeguards could compromise the reliability of artificial intelligence systems, which are progressively becoming a part of every facet of life in the United States, including areas such as transport, healthcare, job markets, and monitoring activities.

The forthcoming presidential race could play a pivotal role in deciding if artificial intelligence will emerge as an unmatched instrument of efficiency or a wild catalyst for disorder.

Guidance and Counsel Working Together

The directive issued by Biden encompasses a range of topics, including the application of AI to enhance the healthcare of veterans and establishing protective measures for the utilization of AI in pharmaceutical research. However, the majority of the political debate surrounding the Executive Order arises from two clauses focused on managing digital security threats and the effects of AI on physical safety.

A specific clause mandates that proprietors of potent AI technologies must inform the authorities regarding their methods of model training and safeguarding against manipulation and theft. This includes submitting findings from "red-team tests," which are exercises aimed at identifying weaknesses in AI systems through mock assaults. Additionally, a separate clause instructs the Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to create guidelines assisting businesses in creating AI models that are secure against cyber threats and devoid of biases.

Progress on these initiatives is ongoing. The authorities have suggested that AI creators submit reports every three months, while the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has published guidelines for AI on managing risks, developing secure software, watermarking digital content, and safeguarding against misuse of models. Furthermore, NIST has initiated several programs aimed at encouraging the testing of models.

Proponents argue that these initiatives are crucial for ensuring fundamental regulatory supervision over the swiftly growing artificial intelligence sector and encouraging developers to enhance security measures. However, opponents from the conservative spectrum view the mandatory reporting as an unauthorized intrusion by the government that could stifle innovation in AI and risk the exposure of developers' proprietary information. Additionally, they criticize the NIST guidelines as a strategy by liberals to introduce extreme leftist ideas regarding disinformation and bias into AI, which they believe equates to the suppression of conservative voices.

During a gathering in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in December, Trump targeted Biden's Executive Order, claiming without proof that the Biden administration had previously employed artificial intelligence for malicious intents.

"He stated, "Upon my reelection, I intend to revoke Biden's executive order on artificial intelligence and impose a prohibition on employing AI to suppress the expression of American citizens from the very first day."

Investigative Overreach or Necessary Inquiry?

The initiative by Biden to gather insights on the practices of companies in creating, examining, and securing their artificial intelligence systems immediately caused a commotion among lawmakers as soon as it was introduced.

Republican members of Congress highlighted President Biden's reliance on the 1950 Defense Production Act—a law designed for wartime to allow the government to guide the activities of the private sector for a steady supply of goods and services—as the basis for his new mandate. They criticized Biden's action as unsuitable, unlawful, and superfluous.

Critics from the conservative side have criticized the mandate for reporting as an unnecessary load on businesses. During a March session focused on "White House overreach on AI," which she led, Representative Nancy Mace expressed concerns that this requirement might deter potential innovators and hinder further developments akin to ChatGPT.

Helberg argues that a demanding obligation would advantage well-established firms while disadvantaging new ventures. Additionally, he mentions that critics from Silicon Valley are concerned that these mandates could pave the way for a regulatory system where developers are required to obtain official authorization to experiment with models.

Steve DelBianco, head of the right-leaning technology organization NetChoice, argues that mandating the disclosure of red-team test outcomes essentially acts as indirect censorship. This is because the government will scrutinize for issues such as bias and misinformation. "I am deeply concerned about an administration with liberal leanings… whose red-teaming examinations will lead AI to limit its output in order to avoid setting off these alarms," he states.

Conservatives maintain that regulations hindering AI development could lead to significant disadvantages for the US in its tech rivalry against China.

"Helberg remarks on their assertiveness and how making AI supremacy a central goal in their military strategy has been prioritized. He notes that the disparity in abilities between us and the Chinese is continuously narrowing as years go by."

"Progressive" Security Measures

By incorporating societal damages into its artificial intelligence safety protocols, NIST has sparked anger among conservative groups, igniting a new battleground in the ongoing cultural clash over content regulation and freedom of expression.

Republicans have criticized the NIST guidelines, describing them as a covert form of government-imposed censorship. Senator Ted Cruz harshly criticized the "woke AI 'safety' standards" set by NIST, which he perceives as a tactic by the Biden administration to regulate speech based on vague definitions of social harm. Furthermore, NetChoice has cautioned NIST against overstepping its boundaries by issuing semi-regulatory guidelines that disrupt the proper equilibrium between openness and freedom of expression.

Numerous conservatives outright reject the notion that AI can continue to cause societal damages and argue that it should be created to avoid such issues.

"Helberg argues that the proposed solution is addressing an issue that, in reality, seems nonexistent. He points out that there is a lack of substantial evidence to suggest widespread problems with AI bias."

Research and analyses consistently demonstrate that artificial intelligence systems harbor prejudices which continue to fuel discrimination in areas such as employment, law enforcement, and medical services. It has been indicated that individuals exposed to these biases might unknowingly internalize them.

Right-leaning individuals express greater concern over AI firms' excessive adjustments to this issue rather than the issue at hand. "The level of political correctness in an AI is inversely related to how useful the AI is," Helberg notes, referring to an initial problem with Google's AI creation platform.

Republicans are urging the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to prioritize the examination of the physical dangers AI poses, especially its potential in assisting terrorists in creating biological weapons, a concern that is partially covered in President Biden's executive order. Should Trump return to office, it's expected that his chosen officials will scale back on federal investigations into the societal impacts of AI. Helberg has voiced concerns that the vast volume of research focusing on AI discrimination has overshadowed the investigation into more significant dangers, such as terrorism and biological warfare.

Advocating for a "Minimalist Strategy"

Authorities in artificial intelligence and legislative members strongly support President Biden's plan for AI security.

These initiatives allow the United States to stay at the forefront of AI innovation, while safeguarding Americans from possible dangers, explains Representative Ted Lieu, the Democrat leading the House's AI task force.

A US government official involved in AI matters stresses the importance of reporting mandates to notify authorities about the emergence of potentially hazardous advancements in progressively sophisticated AI technologies. The official, who wished to remain unnamed to express opinions openly, refers to OpenAI's acknowledgment regarding its new model's "irregular denial to create nerve agents."

The representative states that the mandate for reporting is not excessively demanding. They contend that in comparison to AI directives in the European Union and China, Biden's Executive Order embodies a "wide-ranging, gentle approach that still promotes innovation."

Nick Reese, the inaugural director of emerging technology at the Department of Homeland Security from 2019 to 2023, dismisses right-leaning arguments suggesting that the new reporting mandate will threaten the intellectual property of businesses. He believes that this requirement might actually advantage new companies by motivating them to create AI models that are "more computationally efficient" and use less data, thereby staying below the threshold for reporting.

Ami Fields-Meyer, a former White House technology official involved in crafting Biden's executive order, emphasizes the necessity of governmental regulation given the significant capabilities of artificial intelligence.

Fields-Meyer mentions, "These firms claim to be developing the strongest technologies ever known to mankind. It's the primary duty of the government to safeguard its citizens. The assurance of 'Don't worry, we're handling it' doesn't quite inspire confidence."

Specialists commend the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) security recommendations as an essential tool for integrating safeguards into emerging technologies. They highlight that defective artificial intelligence (AI) systems can lead to significant societal damages, such as discrimination in housing and finance, as well as wrongful deprivation of state-provided benefits.

Trump's initial AI directive during his presidency mandated that federal AI technologies adhere to civil liberties, necessitating investigations into societal damages.

The artificial intelligence sector has generally embraced President Biden's agenda for safety. "The feedback we're getting indicates that outlining these guidelines is quite beneficial," remarks a US official. For emerging companies with limited staff, "it enhances their team's ability to tackle these issues."

Reversing Biden's Executive Order would transmit a concerning message that "the US government plans to adopt a laissez-faire stance on AI security," according to Michael Daniel, a past adviser on cybersecurity to the president who currently heads the Cyber Threat Alliance, a nonprofit dedicated to the exchange of information.

Supporters of the Executive Order argue that implementing safety regulations will give the United States an advantage in its rivalry with China by guaranteeing that American AI systems outperform those developed by China and safeguarding them against economic espionage from Beijing.

Divergent Routes Ahead

Should Trump secure the presidency in the upcoming election, anticipate a significant shift in the government's strategy regarding AI safety.

Republicans are aiming to address the potential issues caused by AI through the use of "current tort and statutory laws" instead of imposing new, wide-ranging limitations on the technology, according to Helberg. They prefer to put a stronger emphasis on leveraging the benefits AI brings, rather than concentrating too much on minimizing risks. This approach could mean the end for the reporting requirement and might also affect some of the recommendations made by NIST.

The obligation to report might also encounter judicial obstacles, especially after the Supreme Court has diminished the level of respect that courts previously extended to agencies when assessing their rules.

Opposition from the Republican Party might also threaten the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) optional AI evaluation collaborations with top firms. “What will become of those agreements under a different government?” questions the official from the United States.

The division over AI has exasperated tech experts concerned that Trump might jeopardize efforts to develop more secure models.

"Nicol Turner Lee, who leads the Center for Technology Innovation at the Brookings Institution, points out that while AI holds great promise, it also comes with significant risks. She emphasizes the importance of the forthcoming president maintaining the safety and security of these technologies."

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An AI system was utilized in detaining individuals until it underwent further scrutiny.

The Impact of a 12-Ounce Foam Layer on the NFL

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AI at a Crossroads: The Impact of the U.S. Presidential Election on Artificial Intelligence Regulation and Innovation




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A Victory for Trump Might Accelerate Risky AI Advances

Should Donald Trump secure the presidency in the upcoming November election, the safeguards surrounding the advancement of artificial intelligence could be weakened, amidst escalating concerns over the risks posed by flawed AI systems.

If Trump were to be reelected for another term, it could significantly alter and potentially harm initiatives aimed at safeguarding US citizens from the various risks associated with flawed artificial intelligence. This includes issues such as the spread of false information, bias, and the corruption of algorithms in technologies like self-driving cars.

Under an executive order issued by President Joe Biden in October 2023, the federal government has started to supervise and provide guidance to AI firms. However, Trump has promised to cancel this directive, with the Republican Party’s stance being that it restricts AI innovation and forces extreme leftist ideologies onto AI advancement.

Trump's pledge has excited detractors of the executive order, whom they view as unlawful, perilous, and a blockage in America's technological competition with China. Among these detractors are several of Trump's key supporters, ranging from X CEO Elon Musk and venture capitalist Marc Andreessen to Republican congress members and almost twenty GOP state attorneys general. Trump's vice-presidential candidate, Ohio Senator JD Vance, is firmly against AI regulation.

"Jacob Helberg, a technology executive and advocate for artificial intelligence, known as the 'Silicon Valley’s liaison to Trump,' mentions that Republicans are cautious about hastily imposing too many regulations on this sector."

However, technology and cybersecurity specialists caution that removing the Executive Order's protections could compromise the reliability of artificial intelligence systems, which are gradually becoming a part of every facet of life in the United States, including areas such as transportation, healthcare, job markets, and monitoring activities.

The forthcoming presidential race could play a pivotal role in deciding if AI transforms into an unmatched instrument of efficiency or an unmanageable force of disorder.

Supervision and Guidance Together

The directive issued by Biden encompasses a range of applications for AI, including enhancing health care for veterans and establishing protective measures for its use in pharmaceutical research. However, the majority of the political debate surrounding the executive order revolves around two specific parts related to managing cybersecurity threats and the effects of AI on physical safety.

A stipulation mandates that proprietors of potent AI technologies must disclose to authorities the methods employed in training these models and the measures taken to safeguard them against manipulation and pilferage. This includes sharing outcomes from "red-team tests," which are intended to expose weaknesses in AI systems through orchestrated assault simulations. Additionally, another directive instructs the Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to create guidelines aiding firms in crafting AI models that are resilient to cyber threats and devoid of discriminatory biases.

Efforts on these initiatives are progressing steadily. The authorities have suggested that AI creators should submit reports every three months, while NIST has made public various AI advisory materials covering topics such as risk management, the development of secure software, the implementation of watermarks in synthetic content, and measures to prevent the misuse of models. Furthermore, NIST has initiated several programs aimed at encouraging the testing of models.

Proponents argue that these measures are crucial for ensuring fundamental regulatory supervision over the swiftly growing artificial intelligence sector and encouraging developers to enhance security measures. However, opponents from the conservative spectrum view the mandate for reporting as an unlawful intrusion by the government, which they fear will stifle innovation in AI and risk the confidentiality of developers' proprietary techniques. Additionally, they criticize the guidelines provided by NIST as a strategy by the left to introduce extreme progressive ideas concerning misinformation and prejudice into AI, which they believe equates to the suppression of conservative voices.

During a gathering in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in December, Trump criticized Biden's Executive Order, claiming without proof that the Biden administration had previously employed artificial intelligence for malicious reasons.

"In my next term," he declared, "I intend to revoke Biden's executive order on artificial intelligence and immediately prohibit AI from suppressing the expression of Americans from the very first day."

Investigative Overreach or Necessary Precaution?

The initiative led by Biden to gather data on corporations' creation, examination, and security measures for their artificial intelligence systems ignited immediate controversy among lawmakers as soon as it was introduced.

Republican members of Congress highlighted that President Biden based the new mandate on the 1950 Defense Production Act, a law from wartime that allows the government to control activities in the private sector to guarantee a steady flow of goods and services. GOP representatives criticized Biden's action as unwarranted, against the law, and superfluous.

Critics from the conservative side have criticized the mandate for reporting as an unnecessary strain on businesses. During a March session she led, focusing on "White House overreach on AI," Representative Nancy Mace expressed concerns that the requirement "might deter potential innovators and hinder further advancements similar to ChatGPT."

Helberg argues that a demanding obligation would favor existing corporations while disadvantaging new ventures. He further mentions that critics from Silicon Valley are apprehensive that these obligations might pave the way for a regulatory system where developers are required to obtain official approval before experimenting with models.

Steve DelBianco, the chief executive officer of the right-leaning technology organization NetChoice, expresses concern that the mandate to disclose outcomes from red-team assessments essentially acts as indirect censorship. This is because the government will be searching for issues such as bias and misinformation. "I'm deeply troubled by the prospect of a liberal administration…whose red-team evaluations could lead AI to limit its output to avoid setting off these alarms," he states.

Conservative voices contend that regulatory measures which hinder the advancement of artificial intelligence could significantly disadvantage the United States in its tech rivalry against China.

"Helberg notes that their approach is highly assertive, with the pursuit of AI superiority being a fundamental goal in their military strategy. He also mentions that the difference in capabilities between us and the Chinese is narrowing each year."

"Socially Conscious" Safety Protocols

Incorporating societal injuries into its AI safety regulations, NIST has sparked anger among conservatives, igniting a new battle in the ongoing cultural conflict over regulating content and freedom of expression.

Republicans criticize the NIST guidelines, labeling them as indirect government suppression of speech. Senator Ted Cruz strongly criticized NIST's artificial intelligence 'safety' protocols, which he believes are an attempt by the Biden administration to regulate speech under the guise of preventing vague societal damages. NetChoice has cautioned NIST against overstepping its bounds with semi-regulatory measures that disrupt the proper equilibrium between openness and the freedom of expression.

Numerous conservatives outright reject the notion that AI can continue to cause societal issues and argue that it should be intentionally created to avoid such problems.

"Helberg argues that the proposed solution is addressing a non-issue, stating, 'There hasn't been significant proof of widespread problems concerning AI bias.'"

Research and inquiries consistently reveal that artificial intelligence systems exhibit prejudices that continue to fuel discrimination across various sectors such as employment, law enforcement, and medical services. Studies indicate that individuals exposed to these biases might inadvertently internalize them.

Conservatives are more concerned about AI firms going too far in their attempts to address this issue than the issue itself. "There's a clear negative relationship between how 'woke' an AI is and how useful it is," Helberg mentions, referring to a preliminary problem with Google's AI creation tool.

Republicans are calling for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to prioritize the examination of the physical dangers posed by artificial intelligence, particularly its potential in aiding terrorists in creating biological weapons, a concern that is addressed in President Biden's executive order. Should Trump secure a victory, it's expected that his selections for appointments would shift focus away from the exploration of AI's societal impacts. Helberg has voiced frustration over the extensive research dedicated to AI bias, arguing that it overshadows the more severe risks associated with terrorism and biological warfare.

Advocating for a Minimalist Strategy

AI specialists and legislators strongly support Biden's AI security plan.

Representative Ted Lieu, the Democratic co-leader of the House's AI task force, states that these initiatives ensure that the United States continues to lead in AI advancement and safeguards its citizens against possible dangers.

A US government official involved in AI matters emphasizes the importance of reporting obligations to notify authorities about possible threats posed by the advancement of AI technologies. The official, who wished to remain unnamed to express opinions openly, highlights OpenAI's acknowledgment regarding its newest model's sporadic unwillingness to create nerve agents upon request.

The spokesperson states that the mandate for reporting is not excessively demanding. They contend that, in contrast to AI rules in the European Union and China, Biden's Executive Order embodies "a comprehensive, minimal-interference strategy that still encourages creative advancement."

Nick Reese, the inaugural director of emerging technology at the Department of Homeland Security from 2019 to 2023, disputes right-leaning arguments suggesting that the reporting mandate will endanger firms' proprietary technology. He believes it may, in fact, advantage new companies by motivating them to create AI models that are "more computationally efficient" and use less data, thus staying below the reporting limit.

Ami Fields-Meyer, a former White House technology official involved in crafting Biden's executive order, emphasizes the necessity of governmental regulation due to the significant influence of artificial intelligence.

Fields-Meyer points out, “These are firms claiming to develop the strongest technologies ever known. The primary duty of the government is to safeguard its citizens. Simply saying 'Trust us, we're handling it' doesn't really hold much weight.”

Industry specialists commend the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) security recommendations as crucial for incorporating safety measures into emerging technologies. They highlight that defective artificial intelligence (AI) models can lead to significant societal issues, such as discrimination in housing and loan services and the wrongful denial of government assistance.

Trump's initial AI directive during his first term mandated that federal AI technologies adhere to civil liberties, necessitating investigations into societal damages.

The artificial intelligence sector has generally embraced President Biden's focus on safety measures. According to a US official, there's a consensus that clearly defining these guidelines is beneficial. For emerging companies with limited personnel, "it enhances their team's ability to tackle these issues."

Reversing Biden's Executive Order would indicate a concerning message that "the US government plans to adopt a laissez-faire stance towards AI security," according to Michael Daniel, a previous advisor on cybersecurity to the president, who currently heads the Cyber Threat Alliance, a nonprofit dedicated to sharing information on cyber threats.

Regarding the rivalry with China, supporters of the Executive Order argue that implementing security regulations will enable the United States to gain an upper hand. They believe these measures will enhance the performance of American AI technologies over their Chinese counterparts and safeguard them against China's attempts at economic espionage.

Diverging Futures Ahead

Should Trump secure a victory in the upcoming White House race, anticipate a complete transformation in the government's strategy towards AI security.

Republicans are inclined towards mitigating AI-related risks through the application of "current tort and statutory laws" rather than introducing expansive new regulations on the technology, according to Helberg. They prefer to emphasize significantly on leveraging the benefits AI presents, instead of concentrating too much on minimizing risks. This approach could potentially jeopardize the reporting mandate and might also impact some of the guidelines proposed by NIST.

The mandate for reporting might encounter judicial obstacles, especially after the Supreme Court has diminished the level of respect that courts previously afforded to agencies in assessing their rules.

Resistance from the GOP might also put at risk the voluntary partnerships that NIST has formed with top companies for testing AI. "What will become of those agreements under a new government?" questions the US official.

The division regarding AI has caused concern among tech experts who fear that Trump's actions could hinder efforts to develop more secure algorithms.

"Nicol Turner Lee, who leads the Center for Technology Innovation at the Brookings Institution, points out that while AI offers great potential, it also comes with significant risks. She emphasizes the importance of the forthcoming president maintaining the safety and security of these technologies."

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Unlocking the Future: Top Innovations in AI from Machine Learning to Robotics – A Comprehensive Guide




The article underscores the top innovations in Artificial Intelligence (AI), spotlighting how these advancements, including deep learning neural networks, natural language processing, and robotics automation, are pivotal in everyday life and various sectors. Technologies like machine learning and AI algorithms, particularly from platforms like and, alongside autonomous systems from, are revolutionizing industries by enhancing predictive analytics, big data analysis, and smart technology applications. With developments in data science, cognitive computing, and intelligent systems, AI is set to further expand its impact, making significant strides in healthcare, finance, and beyond.

In an era where technology evolves at an unprecedented pace, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront, heralding a new chapter in innovation and digital intelligence. From the bustling tech labs of top organizations to the dynamic platforms of,, and, AI is reshaping the fabric of our daily lives and the operational frameworks of industries worldwide. This transformative technology, which simulates human intelligence processes like learning, reasoning, and problem-solving through machines, is no longer confined to the realms of science fiction. It encompasses a broad spectrum of subfields, including Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, and Robotics, among others.

As we delve into "Exploring the Top Innovations in Artificial Intelligence: From Machine Learning to Robotics and Beyond," this article aims to unravel the complexities and the sheer brilliance of AI technologies. These innovations allow machines to analyze Big Data, engage in Pattern and Speech Recognition, adapt through Predictive Analytics, and make autonomous decisions, mirroring human cognitive abilities. Whether it's the revolution in Smart Technology, the breakthroughs in Computer Vision, the advancements in Cognitive Computing, or the strides in Automation and Intelligent Systems, AI's influence is omnipresent. From powering virtual assistants and self-driving cars to revolutionizing medical diagnosis and financial forecasting, AI applications are transforming industries and redefining human interaction with technology. Join us as we explore the pinnacle of AI's achievements and look ahead to its promising future in shaping an intelligently automated world.

1. "Exploring the Top Innovations in Artificial Intelligence: From Machine Learning to Robotics and Beyond"

AI brain network connecting futuristic innovations.

The realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a vast and ever-evolving landscape, pushing the boundaries of what machines are capable of achieving. At the core of this technological revolution are several key innovations that have paved the way for AI to become an integral part of our daily lives. From machine learning algorithms that learn and adapt over time to robotics that automate complex tasks, AI is transforming industries and setting new standards for efficiency and innovation.

One of the most significant breakthroughs in AI has been in the field of machine learning and, more specifically, deep learning neural networks. These technologies enable machines to process and analyze large volumes of data, learning from patterns and making decisions with minimal human intervention. This has profound implications across various sectors, including healthcare, where AI algorithms can predict patient outcomes and assist in diagnosis, and in the finance sector, where predictive analytics and big data are used to forecast market trends.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is another top innovation in AI that has seen remarkable progress. By understanding and interpreting human language, AI can power virtual assistants, enhance customer service interactions, and even provide real-time translation services. This breakthrough in cognitive computing has made AI technologies more accessible and user-friendly, bridging the gap between complex machine algorithms and everyday applications.

Robotics and automation have also benefited immensely from advancements in AI. Autonomous systems, such as self-driving cars from, are becoming increasingly sophisticated, relying on AI for navigation, pattern recognition, and decision-making in dynamic environments. In manufacturing and logistics, robotics equipped with AI are automating tasks that were once labor-intensive, improving efficiency, and reducing the margin for error.

The integration of AI into smart technology is another area of rapid growth. From intelligent systems that manage energy use in homes to augmented intelligence applications in education that personalize learning experiences, AI is making technology smarter and more responsive to human needs. This is achieved through a combination of computer vision, neural networks, and AI algorithms that enable machines to process information in a way that mimics human perception and reasoning.

Furthermore, the advent of AI has revolutionized the field of data science. With the ability to handle and interpret big data, AI is providing insights and solutions that were once beyond reach. Whether it's through predictive analytics in business strategy or pattern and speech recognition for enhanced security measures, AI's role in data science is pivotal.

In conclusion, the top innovations in AI, from machine learning to robotics and beyond, are reshaping the future. As AI continues to evolve, domains such as and are at the forefront of researching and developing next-generation AI technologies. These innovations promise to expand the possibilities of what AI can achieve, further embedding artificial intelligence into the fabric of our technological society.

In conclusion, the journey through the top innovations in artificial intelligence has offered us a glimpse into a future where AI technologies such as machine learning, deep learning neural networks, natural language processing, and robotics redefine the boundaries of possibility. From the predictive analytics that power's insights to the intelligent automation behind, and the autonomous prowess of, we see a landscape where AI is not just an auxiliary tool but a fundamental driver of innovation.

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning, along with its subfields like computer vision and cognitive computing, is pioneering revolutions across sectors, including healthcare, automotive, finance, and beyond. These technologies harness the power of big data, augment intelligence, and automate complex processes, enabling smarter, more efficient decisions and operations. The implications for industries and our daily lives are profound, offering both exciting opportunities and challenges to navigate.

As we stand on the brink of this AI-driven era, it's clear that the integration of smart technology, from autonomous systems to speech recognition, is transforming our world in unprecedented ways. The advancements in AI algorithms and neural networks are not just enhancing machine capabilities but also enriching human experiences, making technology more intuitive, predictive, and responsive to our needs.

The exploration of artificial intelligence's top innovations underscores a pivotal shift towards an interconnected, intelligent future. It beckons us to engage with, adapt to, and responsibly shape this technology, ensuring it serves to augment our lives and societies positively. As AI continues to evolve, its potential to drive progress across diverse domains remains boundless, promising a future where artificial intelligence and human creativity together unlock new dimensions of innovation and growth.

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Breaking the Bark-rier: AI-Enabled Collars Aim to Translate Pet Thoughts, But Can They Truly Understand Our Furry Friends?




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Every Gadget Seems to Have a Voice

It's a common desire to communicate with our pets, whether it's attempting to engage them in conversation or simply wishing they'd heed our calls. This has led numerous innovative companies to believe that technology may hold the key to overcoming the barriers to pet-human communication. Enter the era of AI-powered collars for dogs and cats, designed to analyze and convey what our pets might be trying to tell us. However, the catch with these gadgets is that our furry friends aren't actually participating in the dialogue. The collars make educated guesses about the pets' thoughts and speak on their behalf. This scenario is less reminiscent of the talking dog collar from the film Up and more akin to yelling at a chatbot affixed to your pet's neck. All the while, your pet might just be puzzled about the origin of this unfamiliar voice.

Later in the program, we delve into the peculiar new trends in AI technology infiltrating our daily lives and discuss if they're genuinely enhancing our interactions.

This week signifies the conclusion of the Gadget Lab podcast as we know it. However, it's not goodbye for good. We're planning a revitalized version of the podcast to come back shortly. Lauren and Michael are set to reprise their roles as hosts, joined by an additional third co-host. Alongside, we'll introduce a new name for the podcast and shift our focus slightly in terms of what we cover.

Episode Details

Keep an eye on this channel for the latest episode release on October 31! Dive into Boone's articles featuring conversational pet collars and the AI-driven Companion pendant. Explore Lauren's insights into the complexities of AI equipment. Stay alert to the increasing integration of AI in daily life. For everything related to gadgets, stay updated with WIRED's extensive coverage of tech products.


Boone suggests enjoying the rain. Lauren suggests going for walks. Mike suggests checking out KEXP's YouTube channel for videos of music performances in their Seattle studio.

You can connect with Boone Ashworth on social platforms, but he prefers that you send any story ideas directly to his email at, given his ongoing role as a reporter at WIRED. You can follow Lauren Goode at @LaurenGoode on Twitter. Michael Calore is active on Mastodon under the handle For general inquiries, reach out to the primary contact point at @GadgetLab. Boone Ashworth (@booneashworth) took charge of producing the show, with Solar Keys providing the theme music.

Listening Guide

You're able to play this week's podcast episode directly using the audio player found here. However, if you're interested in automatically receiving every episode for free—especially with an entirely new series debuting soon—here's the method:

For those using an iPhone or iPad, launch the Podcasts app, or simply click on this link. Alternatively, you can install applications such as Overcast or Pocket Casts and look up Gadget Lab. We're also available on Spotify. Additionally, if required, here is the RSS feed link.

Transcript Notice: Please be aware that this transcript was generated by an automated system and might include inaccuracies.

Michael Calore: Lauren, it's your

Lauren Goode: Mike.

Michael Calore: For a long time, the program has been known as Gadget Lab.

Lauren Goode: Yes, indeed.

Michael Calore: However, I do have an important question to ask you.

Lauren Goode: Alright.

Michael Calore: When was the most recent occasion you pondered over gizmos, or when did you last acquire an item that falls into the category of a gadget?

Lauren Goode: It's been ages since I last purchased any new gadgets. Well, that's not completely accurate, as I did pick up some small lavalier microphones for video purposes recently. However, when it comes to everyday devices, it's been quite a while. Nowadays, I don't really view our digital existence through the lens of physical gadgets. Instead, my focus has shifted significantly towards software.

Michael Calore: I share the same opinion. Essentially, I purchase quite a bit of musical equipment, though I wouldn't classify them as gadgets per se. Moreover, I believe the term 'gadget' doesn't accurately reflect our work since our focus is on consumer technology and products. This encompasses items such as sneakers, insect repellent, and sunblock.

Lauren Goode: Indeed. There was a time when gadgets were primarily seen as practical tools, serving a clear utility. However, today, we find ourselves completely immersed in technology.

Michael Calore: Alright. Certainly. And I see this as an excellent chance to make some alterations.

Lauren Goode: Could you clarify that?

Michael Calore: Essentially, it's not just about altering our perspective on devices or envisioning what the next generation of consumer items could look like. I believe we really need to revamp the Gadget Lab itself.

Lauren Goode: Ah, I understand your point now. If that's the direction the future is taking us, then that's the path we'll follow.

Michael Calore: Absolutely, I share the same opinion.

Lauren Goode: Right. So, does this fall into the category of 'some personal news' moments, when individuals in the media are gearing up to share an announcement and they post 'some personal news' on Twitter?

Michael Calore: Indeed, it is. Yet, we ought to conclude on a high note with an impressive gadget.

Lauren Goode: That seems odd. Let's go for it.

Michael Calore: Absolutely, let's go for it.

[Introductory music for Gadget Lab begins]

Michael Calore: Hello, everyone. Greetings from Gadget Lab. My name is Michael Calore, and I serve as WIRED's director of consumer technology and culture.

Lauren Goode: My name is Lauren Goode. I hold a position as a senior writer within the business section at WIRED.

Michael Calore: This week, we're also accompanied by Boone Ashworth, a staff writer at WIRED. If his name rings a bell, it's likely because you're a regular listener of this show and have heard his name at the conclusion of each episode. He's not just a contributor; he also produces the show, so we're grateful for his efforts. Welcome, Boone.

Boone Ashworth: Greetings. At this moment, you're listening to the sound of my voice

Michael Calore: It's great to have you back with us on the program.

Boone Ashworth: I appreciate it.

Michael Calore: Boone, your presence on the show today serves a dual purpose. Firstly, you've penned an article for WIRED this week that delves into the next wave of electronic devices and AI-integrated gadgets. Among these innovations is an oddly fascinating pet collar that enables owners to engage in verbal interactions with their pets, such as dogs or cats, and it seems to actually work. We'll explore that topic, as well as discuss the various wearable and portable gadgets like pendants, badges, and compact assistants that tech firms are currently developing, aiming to understand the direction in which this technology is evolving.

Additionally, another key reason for having you on the program today is, as previously noted, you serve as the producer of our show. For roughly five years, you've been the mastermind controlling the audio mixing at WIRED's studio, and today marks the final episode of the Gadget Lab. We're planning to take a break from Gadget Lab and then relaunch the program after it has aired, what, around 662 or 663 episodes?

Boone Ashworth: Number 62, is that correct? Yes, it's 62

Michael Calore: Astonishing.

Lauren Goode: Six hundred sixty-two.

Michael Calore: Number 662.

Lauren Goode: And Mike, have you attended each one?

Michael Calore: No, not every one of them.

Lauren Goode: The majority.

Michael Calore: Indeed, I joined around episode 20.

Lauren Goode: Incredible.

Michael Calore: Indeed.

Lauren Goode: Since 2018 is when I joined. And Boone, you truly embarked on an epic quest to become our producer amidst the pandemic.

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely, it was a blast. Do you all recall that moment?

Michael Calore emphasizes that their departure is not permanent as they have an upcoming show in the pipeline. He and Lauren will continue their roles as hosts, this time accompanied by an additional team member, bringing the total to three voices engaging in weekly discussions. This new program will be broadcast on the same channel, ensuring that current listeners can seamlessly transition without any additional steps. They can expect a sneak peek through a trailer next week, followed by the premiere episode at October's end. This new venture will tread familiar territory and spotlight two familiar faces.

Lauren Goode: Who are the individuals over there?

Michael Calore: That refers to both of us.

Lauren Goode: Ah, I see. Michael attempted to dismiss me, yet I refused to stray too far.

Michael Calore: I absolutely wouldn't.

Boone Ashworth: Is that the reason you're shackled to the desk?

Lauren Goode: Absolutely not.

Michael Calore: Boone, as you graduate, you're being freed from the constraints of this studio's mixing desk to embark on a journey of full-time writing at WIRED.

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely. Indeed, the program is expected to maintain its familiar sound and feature the usual guests. The only difference will be a new spectral presence lurking in the corner, adding its essence to the mixtape.

Lauren Goode: Despite our focus on technology, given that we're part of WIRED, our show will continue to delve into contemporary and future tech topics. However, expect a fresh perspective on themes that are currently captivating the tech audience. Rest assured, Michael and I will remain your hosts.

Michael Calore: Indeed, we'll remain present.

Lauren Goode: We'll continue to be here week after week. Outside of the podcast studio, we'll keep chatting and throwing banter around, essentially creating podcast content without officially producing one.

Michael Calore: Indeed.

Lauren Goode: Absolutely. Plus, there's this new individual coming on board who I'm really thrilled about.

Michael Calore: Likewise.

Lauren Goode: We'll wrap it up.

Michael Calore: Introducing our third co-host.

Lauren Goode: Keep following this channel.

Michael Calore: Affirmative.

Lauren Goode: Stay right there.

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely.

Michael Calore: The excitement is in the anticipation. It's absolutely a reason to keep following us. Boone, it's become clear to me that you've been the engineer and producer for more than half of our episodes.

Boone Ashworth: Roughly two to three hundred.

Michael Calore: The thing is, if we've reached 663 episodes, it's not like we were churning them out weekly from the get-go. Initially, our schedule was more sporadic, maybe bi-weekly. But we significantly increased our frequency just before you joined us as our producer, settling into a weekly rhythm.

Lauren Goode: I believe that's incorrect.

Michael Calore: Indeed.

Lauren Goode: I made it a point to be present weekly.

Michael Calore: Indeed. However, the initial 200 episodes or so were somewhat disorganized.

Lauren Goode: Ah, I see.

Michael Calore: It was only after David Pierce joined as the cohost that he suggested, "We should make this a weekly thing." To which I reluctantly agreed, saying, "Alright, if we must."

Lauren Goode: Exactly. Subsequently, Nick Thompson approached me, jokingly saying, "How about you take over for David Pierce?" Just to clarify, that was a joke. What really happened was David departed, and then Nick reached out to me, offering the opportunity to co-host the Gadget Lab.

Michael Calore: In any case, it's been quite the odyssey, and you've accompanied us for about half the duration.

Boone Ashworth: My first episode was number 407, so you can do the calculations from there.

Michael Calore: The calculation comes out to fifty percent.

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely, of course.

Lauren Goode: Absolutely. This is an instance where, incidentally, when I mentioned before about journalists posting about "some personal news" before revealing they've landed a new position, we're truly delving into insider territory at the moment. It's as though we're saying, "The audience must be interested in the effort we've invested in this podcast."

Michael Calore: However, we should really… Let's proceed, alright.

Lauren Goode: How about we record an episode?

Boone Ashworth: Perform a presentation.

Michael Calore: Time to start our program.

Lauren Goode: Let's get started.

Michael Calore: Time for our usual program. This being the final episode, let's make it memorable with a spectacular showcase of gadgets.

Lauren Goode: I believe it's time we cease expressing that.

Michael Calore: Reflecting on our most recent journey… What if we consider this? For our final orbit of this year, right here in this-

Boone Ashworth: I refuse to meet my end.

Michael Calore: Aboard the vessel known as Gadget Lab.

Boone Ashworth: You're not ending my life. I'll continue to exist. I just won't be present in this space any longer.

Lauren Goode: Boone is feeling, "Thank goodness."

Boone Ashworth: I don't have a terminal illness. Goodness.

Michael Calore: Farewell to you. It's a goodbye we have to say twice. Now that you're here with us on the mic, it's time to dive into your specialty. Covering AI-driven tech devices has been your focus at WIRED, and it's been a hectic year for you in that realm.

Boone Ashworth: Odd how things turn out like that, isn't it?

Michael Calore: There's been a buzz around the new products you've covered recently. The most recent highlight is this pet collar. Can you share details about it? What's its name? Which company is behind it? What are its functionalities? And how does it operate?

Boone Ashworth: Okay, let's get into it. The collar is produced by an emerging company named Personifi AI. The quirky thing about Personifi is its spelling – it concludes with an I, which is a common trend among startups to misspell names or words intentionally. This collar marks their debut product. Their declared goal is to imbue a sense of personality into everything, which raises questions about whether they're aiming to animate animals, non-living things, or even create characters reminiscent of those in Pixar films. Their inaugural offering is a pet collar designed for both dogs and cats, and it's oddly named Shazam. The reasoning behind this choice, according to them, is the collar's purported magical capabilities, suggesting it can perform tasks in an instant. Interestingly, the name Shazam is already associated with several other entities you might be familiar with.

Lauren Goode: Indeed, it's quite a daring decision to adopt a name that Apple has secured.

Boone Ashworth: Indeed, they mentioned that when individuals look up Shazam, it appears in the search outcomes, so it makes sense to choose a name that's already familiar to people.

Michael Calore: Absolutely.

Boone Ashworth: Okay then.

Lauren Goode: Makes sense.

Michael Calore: It might as well have been named WIRED.

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely, that's correct. Essentially, the concept revolves around a collar equipped with artificial intelligence capabilities. It primarily features a microphone and a speaker, enabling it to listen and respond. The collar offers a variety of characters to choose from. You select a character for your pet, attach the collar, and then, in theory, your pet can engage in conversations with you by responding to whatever you say.

Lauren Goode: Hold on. Do you mean respond out loud?

Boone Ashworth: Affirmative.

Lauren Goode: Alright. It then converts that into text.

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely. Ever watched a film or series where creatures can converse, similar to Homeward Bound or with Salem the Cat in Sabrina the Teenage Witch? What they aim to mimic is this concept of a communicative animal. They achieve this by integrating a chatbot into the animal's collar.

Michael Calore emphasizes that unlike ChatGPT or Alexa, this isn't an AI chatbot. The responses aren't being generated on the fly.

Boone Ashworth: Indeed, it seems they are making progress. They are exploring the realm of artificial voice creation. Imagine having… There's a lot of talk about these AI chatbots that can emulate companions or even lovers, adapting in real-time. However, this technology hasn't reached that level yet. The company has pointed out to me, asking, "Really, how much can your dog communicate? What range of topics can it possibly cover?"

Lauren Goode: Provide me with sustenance.

Boone Ashworth: Precisely that.

Lauren Goode: Provide me with nourishment.

Boone Ashworth mentioned that each character is equipped with around 8,000 recorded phrases. This extensive library is the result of anticipating various scenarios—whether the dog is hungry, needs to go for a walk, feels frightened by thunderstorms, or reacts to fireworks, among other situations. The team has meticulously mapped out potential reactions and had voice actors bring these situations to life through their recordings. This approach makes the characters resemble NPCs (non-playable characters) in video games, capable of delivering context-specific lines, rather than chatbots generating responses spontaneously. However, the ultimate goal remains ambitious: to enable a future where your pet could offer commentary on real-time events, such as reacting to a football game you're watching together from the sofa. Although this level of interaction hasn't been achieved yet, it's a vision they're actively working towards.

Lauren Goode: Do these responses from the animal accurately reflect their current emotions due to data analysis, or is it more a case of randomly attributing sentences so it seems as though you're conversing with your pet?

Boone Ashworth explained that the device is designed to interpret the true feelings of pets, which might seem unpredictable at times, considering it evaluates numerous environmental elements. The inception of this project was spurred by a personal incident involving the company's CEO, whose dog suffered a rattlesnake bite and required a hospital stay of 10 days. This was a significant ordeal, primarily because the CEO was unaware of the snake bite for an extended period. The incident led to the development of an idea for a pet collar capable of identifying the specific sound of a rattlesnake's rattle, monitoring the pet's physical response to a bite, and subsequently alerting the pet owner through a notification, such as a text message on a smartphone app. This system aims to ensure that owners can react more swiftly to such emergencies.

This device is designed to detect specific environmental cues, such as the noise made by a dog consuming its meal. It has the capability to establish patterns, recognizing if the dog has a regular feeding schedule in the morning. Should it fail to detect the usual sound of feeding due to an oversight, it could activate the collar to send a reminder to feed the pet. That's the concept behind it.

Michael Calore: Alright. So, it's generating the appearance of dialogue and the semblance of a collaborative relationship.

Boone Ashworth: Indeed, it's crucial to understand that pets are unaware of the mechanics behind the technology. I'm not in a position to claim I understand the thoughts of a dog, as that's beyond anyone's ability. From the perspective of the animal, this device simply adds another voice into their environment, emanating from the collar around their neck. The gadget aims to interpret and convey the pet's intended message, but it's essentially making an educated guess without the capability to directly access the pet's thoughts. It's not about attempting to read the animal's mind; rather, it's about attempting to translate its perceived signals into something understandable at the moment.

Michael Calore: It would be beneficial to apply this to young kids as well.

Boone Ashworth: Ah, that makes sense, or adults whom you struggle to communicate with.

Lauren Goode: What's the price for this?

Boone Ashworth: The price is $595.

Lauren Goode: Excuse me?

Boone Ashworth: … pertaining to dogs. $495 applies to cats.

Lauren Goode: What makes us believe it's lesser for felines?

Boone Ashworth believes this is likely due to the smaller size of the form factor, though he—

Lauren Goode: Do they know where my cat is?

Boone Ashworth presents an argument in his narrative, suggesting that a hypothetical collar designed to interpret and verbalize a cat's thoughts might inherently cost more due to the perceived complexity of feline versus canine behavior. In preparation for his piece, Ashworth consulted with a feline behavior expert. The expert humorously posited that if such a technology were applied to cats, the primary message conveyed by the collar would likely be a constant demand to remove the device. This perspective is rooted in the understanding that cats tend to have more nuanced and particular behaviors compared to dogs, making the notion of accurately translating their thoughts into human language somewhat far-fetched.

Lauren Goode expressed, "I indeed—"

Michael Calore: Dogs are straightforward goofballs.

Lauren Goode: Indeed.

Boone Ashworth: Of course, certainly.

Lauren Goode remarked, "Dogs genuinely express their affection, constantly saying, 'I adore you. I adore you immensely.' Whether it's a stick or a ball. On the other hand, my cat seems to only demand, 'Give me more food. Feed me. Feed me.' When Katie Drummond, our editor-in-chief, came to my place during a gathering of WIRED staff, she couldn't help but notice my cat. Upon seeing him, she commented, 'What a well-fed cat you have,' which I thought was a very polite way of pointing out his plumpness. However, I must admit, I have a soft spot for a hefty ginger cat. But shifting gears, Boone, regarding this startup releasing their inaugural hardware product, how confident are you in their success? Should people be willing to invest between four to five hundred dollars in this device, especially considering it includes an integrated service?"

Boone Ashworth: Indeed.

Lauren Goode: Is its durability guaranteed?

Boone Ashworth: By the way, the service also costs an additional $295 annually.

Lauren Goode: Ah, I see.

Boone Ashworth mentioned that the initial year comes at no cost. However, to access the advanced functionality they refer to, which includes comprehensive sentiment analysis to enhance your pet's character, an additional charge is required. He shares that while he isn't currently a pet owner, his extensive experience in the past allows him to see the practicality in such features. He is particularly impressed by the safety features, such as the ability to detect rattlesnakes and the inclusion of a kidnapping alert that activates geo-tracking if the pet is unexpectedly taken. Ashworth believes these features could be genuinely beneficial. Yet, he expresses reservations about equipping his pet with a conversational AI, doubting the ability to achieve a truly authentic interaction.

The concept involves selecting from a variety of pre-designed characters to overlay onto your pet. Personally, when I've owned pets, I've always sensed that each one possesses a unique character. To superimpose an artificial identity feels akin to creating a barrier that obscures the authentic essence of the pet's individuality from the owner. I'm of the opinion that this approach does not facilitate genuine communication with a pet. It appears to be designed primarily for the amusement of the owner, providing an illusion of interaction. However, I contend that true engagement and connection with a pet is achieved by meeting them on their level, embracing their mode of communication rather than imposing our own expectations or anthropomorphizing them.

Lauren Goode: Absolutely, you've made an excellent observation. This is especially true for products infused with artificial intelligence, such as Alexa devices, or even the peculiar Humane Pin we discussed in one of our episodes.

Michael Calore: Absolutely.

Lauren Goode: … some time back. This isn't about the interaction between one living entity and another. It's about the connection between people and technology, focusing on whether this interaction enhances our lives. Moreover, there's another living entity involved, one we usually can't directly interact with, leaving us to make many assumptions. So, I hadn't truly considered it from a moral standpoint before.

Boone Ashworth: Indeed, to me, it appears to be a matter of ethics. Similar to any chatbot, there's always the risk of inaccuracies. Imagine it misinterpreting your pet's emotions or suggesting your dog possesses a personality contrary to its true nature. I believe there are more effective methods to connect with your pet, which likely don't involve conversing in human language, given that animals don't comprehend it in the way we do.

Lauren Goode: Mike, what's your opinion? Do you believe it's still appropriate for children?

Michael Calore: Actually, I don't.

Lauren Goode: I truly believed you would embrace that fully.

Michael Calore: No, I don't believe so. To me, it seems like an entertaining illusion. It gives off the vibe of a delightful sleight of hand.

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely.

Michael Calore: However, I believe it's not prepared beyond that point.

Lauren Goode: In your opinion, what would Petra's response be?

Michael Calore: The response I get from her varies based on the character I've attributed to her and the set phrases I've chosen. If she were to express a desire to communicate something to me, it would likely be, "Squeeze me," since that's my instinctive reaction whenever I lay eyes on her. Lauren is inquiring about my cat, just to clarify.

Boone Ashworth: You might believe that's what your cat is communicating to you. However, you can't be certain, can you? Even if you attempt to understand, it's unclear whether she's requesting a cuddle or preferring to be left undisturbed.

Lauren Goode: Right. Should we be keen on conversing with our devices overall? Let's temporarily ignore the pet collar, but whether it's Siri on your smartphone, the HomePod, or Google's Hub – or is it Google Home now?

Michael Calore: The device is known as the Nest Home Hub.

Lauren Goode: The Nest Home. Google, oh Google. I'll genuinely miss discussing your naming practices on the podcast. But seriously, are there instances where we'd want to engage with them outside of highly particular scenarios?

Michael Calore: That's an excellent query, and I believe we should delve into it during the latter portion.

Lauren Goode: As we have one more section left in Gadget Lab to cover.

Michael Calore: Indeed, we do. So please, take a seat, remain in place, and we will return shortly.

Lauren Goode: I noticed your actions.


Michael Calore: Alright. As Lauren previously pointed out, this Shazam collar falls into a category of wearable devices, or gadgets for your home pets, that support voice interaction. They're driven by artificial intelligence, either partially or entirely. This year has brought a surge in such innovations, which we've frequently discussed on our program. Let's delve into identifying the recurring patterns among these devices. Which significant examples from this year should we focus on discussing?

Boone Ashworth: Regarding the innovations I've covered, one notable invention is the Shazam collar. Additionally, I delved into a different piece about a unique type of smart eyewear. Unlike typical devices, these glasses face inwards, aiming to gauge your emotional state without any verbal interaction. A natural progression of this technology could involve understanding the emotions of those around us. Another creation I discussed is the Friend smart necklace. Designed to be worn around the neck, its core concept revolves around acting as a companion that communicates with you through text messages, reacting to the various stimuli in your surroundings and capturing the sounds around you.

It appears that a significant motivation behind the creation of various devices is the pursuit of connectivity, which manufacturers believe consumers are lacking. This could involve connecting with pets, other people, or simply fostering friendships. There's an underlying sense of isolation or disconnection that these companies aim to address, either by tapping into a new market or by offering a solution. It's unclear which perspective is more accurate, but the goal seems to be to highlight a gap in communication, emotional expression, and interaction with others, including pets, and to propose ways to enhance these experiences. The trend of seeking solutions for this perceived lack of connection is likely to persist, though it's uncertain if it will continue in the same manner, especially considering the evolution of technology beyond the so-called post-Humane, post-Rabbit r1 phase.

Lauren Goode: Without delay.

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely, indeed. The pair of releases that emerged were poorly received. However, businesses already involved in creating similar items have progressed too far in their development to halt now. As a result, these products are currently hitting the market and will continue to do so over the next year. It remains to be seen whether any will gain traction. Currently, there's a significant focus, especially in terms of social interaction, on the ways we communicate with one another.

Michael Calore: Right, are you referring to the Humane AI Pin?

Boone Ashworth: Affirmative.

Michael Calore mentioned the Rabbit r1, a somewhat pocket-sized AI assistant, which didn't gain much popularity.

Lauren Goode: Absolutely not. Additionally, Humane secured several hundred million dollars in venture capital investment and support, boasting a team with Apple engineering backgrounds.

Michael Calore: Absolutely.

Lauren Goode: … along with product managers, but it still wasn't enough … It seems like they attempted to take on too much.

Michael Calore: Indeed. The primary objection raised was, "Isn't this something that could simply be a mobile application?"

Lauren Goode: That's an interesting inquiry. To what extent should this merely exist as an application? How much of it will ultimately become just an application?

Michael Calore suggests that everything we need could simply be condensed into an app. He points out that most people already own a smartphone, which costs around a thousand dollars, and these devices are incredibly versatile. They come equipped with cameras and microphones, and users can easily manage these features. Thanks to their software-based operation, they function continuously and efficiently. When you upgrade to a newer model, you can expect all your familiar apps to perform just as well, if not better. Calore emphasizes that smartphones already fulfill our technological needs, questioning the necessity for developing new gadgets when the ultimate tool is already in our possession.

Lauren Goode questions whether engaging in conversation with our devices is something we desire, setting aside the fact that for some individuals, voice interaction is essential due to disabilities such as low vision or the inability to type. She acknowledges the advancements in voice technology that offer assistance but wonders if those who are adept at typing really need or want to use voice commands. She ponders this while humorously referring to the complexity of naming conventions in Google's smart home devices.

Michael Calore: We're talking about the Nest Home Hub.

Lauren Goode: Indeed, that device. Reflecting on the past three years, it's been a fixture in my bedroom. Primarily, I use it to check the weather and to play calming sounds of the ocean to help me sleep. That's pretty much the extent of its use. When it comes to using Siri while driving, it feels like a chore, leaving me exasperated and thinking, "Do I really have to rely on this?" Previously, I would use Siri for dictating texts, but now, I prefer to leave voice messages. So, the question arises, are we truly interested in interacting with these devices? And even if these assistants evolve to become more like "companions" that can offer additional support, is that genuinely what we desire from our technology?

Boone Ashworth: Initially, it's entertaining. Honestly, I generally avoid conversing with my gadgets. Whenever I own something that works with Alexa, I simply deactivate it because I don't… It's…

Michael Calore: Are you against having microphones inside your home?

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely.

Michael Calore: Why are you not feeling well?

Boone Ashworth: Personally, it's more convenient for me to simply take out my smartphone and enter whatever I need rather than speaking to a device. However, when I say that, I then notice individuals in the street as I'm leaving, actively engaging with their phones through voice to send messages or perform other tasks. Recently, a guest at my home almost solely relied on voice messages for communication. Clearly, this method is utilized by many, but I question the necessity of a device talking back. If I'm interacting with it verbally, I expect it to carry out a command, not to provide me with conversational feedback.

Lauren Goode: Since you embody safety and security.

Boone Ashworth: I'm not sure I agree. That seems a bit too extreme for me.

Michael Calore expresses skepticism about the current capabilities of generative AI, highlighting a significant gap between present reality and the technology's ambitious promises. He points out that while proponents of AI tout its ability to perform tasks like summoning cars, ordering food, or arranging flights, the reality of using such services involves details that are crucial for the user's decision-making process. For instance, when booking a ride through services like Uber, Lyft, or Waymo, factors such as cost, wait times, pickup locations, and journey durations are essential information that users want to be aware of and consider in their decisions. Calore emphasizes his desire to remain directly involved in these aspects of service selection, indicating a reluctance to delegate these tasks to AI chatbots due to the importance of these details in the overall experience.

The primary function of the gadget seems to be, "Sure, you can just take it out and command, 'Get me a car,' and a car will indeed arrive." However, that's not exactly what I'm looking for. It's similar when it comes to reserving a flight for me. It'll probably select a departure at 6:30 AM with a stopover in a place like Salt Lake, which is not what I desire.

Lauren Goode: Honestly, who's looking forward to a stopover in Salt Lake?

Michael Calore: Utah's fine residents.

Boone Ashworth: A nod to Salt Lake.

Lauren Goode: Once, I failed to catch a flight in Salt Lake City, leading to an overnight stay at a hotel near the airport. That experience alone could fill an entire podcast episode. It ties back to previous discussions I've had in WIRED articles. As much as I dislike admitting it, the concept and-

Michael Calore: Right now, she has her hands placed on her hips.

Lauren Goode: Absolutely. Right now, I'm adopting a Wonder Woman pose, and interestingly, this isn't a play on words with the name Personifi. It's about how the internet has always touted the benefit of a tailored experience, yet it hasn't fully delivered on that promise of being truly individualized, which I believe is accurate.

I must admit, I'm really fascinated by the innovation we're witnessing. Mike, we've been immersed in the tech scene for quite some time now. Reflecting on the previous era of internet and gadgets, my mind goes to the rise of startups like Dropcam. It evolved into Nest before becoming part of Google's ecosystem, yet it still retains its identity to some degree, as we've noted. Dropcam's journey to success is noteworthy. Similarly, Eero comes to mind as another startup that achieved significant success and was eventually acquired by Amazon. Then there's Pebble, which, despite not being a financial hit, found its way to Fitbit, and subsequently, Fitbit was acquired by Google.

In the past, there was an exciting wave of innovation with hardware entrepreneurs mapping out the future of product development in their fields, which was quite remarkable. However, the landscape seems to have shifted. Nowadays, it appears that only established giants like Apple, Google, Amazon, or even Snap, known for its Spectacles experiments, have the capacity to drive such innovation. The conversation around Meta further underscores this point. It seems now that only those with deep financial reserves, running into billions, can truly make an impact.

Michael Calore: Absolutely.

Lauren Goode: And maintain a research and development facility to create anything that seems like it might make a difference.

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely. I'm genuinely supportive of the unconventional ideas. It might come across as though I'm a bit skeptical or find it odd, but please, continue exploring them. Perhaps we won't adopt your wearable invention, or it might transform into an application, but why not experiment? Let's see what develops. It's likely that something will eventually catch on, and who knows, that could become the next big thing. Will it be the dog collar? I'm uncertain about that, but don't stop experimenting.

Michael Calore believes that smart glasses hold a certain advantage in this context.

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely.

Michael Calore: Essentially, for the reasons Lauren mentioned. They're being produced by Meta, correct?

Boone Ashworth: Affirmative.

Michael Calore: They are supported by one of the world's leading technology corporations.

Lauren Goode mentioned that they are prepared to allocate $4 to $5 billion each quarter towards these initiatives.

Michael Calore: However, when it comes to a seamless hands-free experience, it's fairly impressive, right?

Lauren Goode: Indeed.

Michael Calore emphasizes that irrespective of one's opinions on Meta or their stance on Ray-Ban Wayfarers, if one has an interest in technology devices, then the concept of smart glasses should capture their interest.

Lauren Goode: Absolutely.

Boone Ashworth: Additionally-

Lauren Goode: It seems like there's a current shift in focus within the broader tech sector, moving our attention toward infrastructure elements again. For roughly the last ten years, there was a significant emphasis on edge devices, those being the gadgets that operate at the cloud's periphery, like our laptops and… what do you call them? Smartphones, exactly. Devices we use personally. But now, the question has become about the availability of GPUs for businesses.

Michael Calore: Absolutely.

Lauren Goode inquires about the locations of new data center constructions and asks which companies are progressing in battery technology.

Michael Calore: Are you collaborating with an existing AI platform for handling all the interactions, or are you creating a proprietary one?

Lauren Goode introduces a topic regarding utilities, suggesting it will dominate the tech hardware discussions in the coming ten years. She notes that while there will be plenty of innovative attempts in personal gadgets, standing out in that space will be a significant challenge. Thus, she poses a query to both guests: What kind of software functionality would prompt you to update your personal tech? What features or capabilities would convince you to invest in the latest iPhone or smart speaker?

Boone Ashworth: Tidy up my outfits. Wash my garments.

Lauren Goode: Is this a piece of software?

Boone Ashworth: Indeed, they possess one. They are equipped with a robot for laundry tasks. Absolutely.

Lauren Goode: Is it still around?

Boone Ashworth: Well, I'm not sure.

Lauren Goode: It seems we encounter that during CES and then—

Michael Calore: It lasted for twelve months.

Boone Ashworth: Handle my dishwashing. What I'm really seeking are these mundane, everyday chores. I've had enough of gadgets playing tunes or creating artwork, you know? Can it just prepare a sandwich for me instead?

Lauren Goode: Indeed, there's a popular meme circulating online which essentially says, "I desire AI to handle certain tasks to allow me the freedom to create art. I'm not interested in AI producing art if it means I'm left to do chores such as laundry or washing dishes." This is a rough summary, but it seems to echo your sentiment.

Boone Ashworth: Sort of. Well, it's not really software, per se. I'm pondering over a genuine software update that would truly captivate me. Perhaps a version that could manage all my emails and politely inform others, "Not at this moment."

Lauren Goode: That's a reasonable point.

Boone Ashworth: With courtesy, as I'm struggling to manage that.

Michael Calore: Absolutely, I agree with that.

Lauren Goode: Absolutely, handling emails.

Michael Calore: I like that.

Lauren Goode: Achieving an empty inbox.

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely. Just clear my inbox for me.

Lauren Goode: What would their spelling be?

Boone Ashworth: Achieving an empty inbox.

Lauren Goode: I-N-B. Ah, that was clever.

Boone Ashworth: Inbox Zero.

Lauren Goode: How about your thoughts, Mike?

Michael Calore: My fascination with phones persists, leading me to conclude that the main issues with them include the camera and the battery life. These aspects, when significantly enhanced, prompt a desire to upgrade. Presently, the performance of these features is largely governed by software, though this is more true for cameras than for batteries. However, advancements in battery technology and in optical and sensor design have been substantial. It's ultimately the software that elevates the camera usage experience and optimizes how long a battery can last.

The only compelling reason for me to consider upgrading my phone would be significant improvements in software that enhance the device's overall functionality. However, this stance feels somewhat weak since each new phone model typically offers incremental improvements in battery life and camera quality. These enhancements are generally the result of minor software adjustments and slight upgrades in hardware components. Therefore, when it comes down to it, I'm uncertain. There isn't a specific feature lacking in my current phone that would drive me to upgrade.

Lauren Goode: Indeed, there isn't a generative AI chatbot claiming to provide human-like reasoning that could convince you to update your phone.

Michael Calore: Not really. I use Gemini on my Pixel, which is pre-installed, and it does the job well. It's an improvement over the previous Google Assistant. So, it's satisfactory. Honestly, none of these features strike me as revolutionary enough to compel me to switch or upgrade specifically for them.

Lauren Goode: That's a reasonable point.

Michael Calore: What's your opinion?

Lauren Goode: Indeed, my sentiments align with yours. Specifically, my concurrence is more in line with Boone's viewpoint regarding the allure of enhanced inbox and calendar organization as a decisive factor for upgrading. This is a feature I prioritize highly.

Michael Calore: Absolutely, indeed. You've implemented numerous automatic reply systems to inform others when you're swamped with emails and anticipate a delay in responding, which I find quite commendable.

Lauren Goode: The other day, Boone responded to my automated reply. What was your message?

Boone Ashworth: That's something I've experienced a few times.

Lauren Goode: Indeed. Because it currently states, "At this moment, I'll be replying only to the most urgent emails."

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely. I mentioned that I'll be replying solely to the most essential automated responses.

Michael Calore: Additionally, Lauren, I appreciate that you now keep it activated constantly.

Lauren Goode: Sure, why not?

Boone Ashworth: Any reason why not?

Lauren Goode: Indeed, I make it a point to reply immediately to those who matter most. Katie and Brian, for instance, always receive prompt responses from me. I assure them, "I've got this." But yes, managing emails and schedules is part of it. However, echoing what you mentioned, Mike, "I'm actually content with it." The application of AI in healthcare and wellness excites me. I've recently been experimenting with the latest Apple Watch for a couple of weeks. Regular listeners of our program will know I'm usually partial to Garmin, having stuck with the same model for years. Yet, when Apple released a new version featuring enhanced swimming capabilities and offered it to me on loan, I thought, "Why not give it a try?"

Monitoring sleep quality has significantly improved. This morning, it informed me that out of the last 14 days, I've experienced decent sleep on 11 occasions.

Boone Ashworth: Envious.

Lauren Goode: I've decided to try the sleep feature… Given that I usually struggle with sleeping, this is great news for me. I'm now using the sleep apnea monitoring feature, which, after a month, should provide me with some insights. The device's ability to track activities has improved, offering more detailed information. It now includes cycle tracking, which is quite effective. From time to time, I also make use of its voice assistant for various tasks, and it works adequately, as you mentioned.

Michael Calore: Does Apple Intelligence drive the entire system?

Lauren Goode: Absolutely. Well, no, not at this moment, mainly because I'm unsure about the timeline for its arrival on the Watch. That's an interesting inquiry. Plus, I haven't gotten my hands on the iPhone 16 Pro which comes equipped with all those features.

Michael Calore: It's time for an upgrade.

Lauren Goode: Absolutely. However, the real question remains, do I actually need to? And if I decide to, it means I'll simply be funneling additional funds into the pockets of an established player in the industry.

Michael Calore: It's fair to say that should you decide to purchase the latest iPhone, there's a good chance you'll find the updated camera to be a slight improvement over its predecessor.

Lauren Goode: Absolutely. Is that conclusion drawn from 15 years of previous experience?

Boone Ashworth: So, this was the climax the entire episode was leading up to. It turns out, it was sponsored content from the beginning.

Michael Calore: Absolutely, absolutely. We'll take a short pause and then return, following a word from Tim Cook. No, but seriously, we need to conclude this segment and take a breather before we return for our final recommendation segment of all time.

Lauren Goode: Wow, I can't believe it.

Michael Calore: Astonishing.

Lauren Goode: Are you saying that our upcoming program will lack a section for suggestions?

Michael Calore: Likely not, though it remains uncertain.

Lauren Goode: Indeed.

Boone Ashworth: It seems like you all have it all worked out.

I'm sorry,

Michael Calore: Alright, we're back. This is it, the final segment of our final episode. Boone, our respected producer and this week's guest, let's hear your recommendation.

Boone Ashworth: It dawned on me that I needed to make a suggestion as I was arriving today.

Michael Calore: Ah, it's because the producer failed to send you an email mentioning that you're supposed to come up with a suggestion.

Boone Ashworth: Oh, I completely slipped my mind that it's something you folks do around here. And, you know, I'd like to put in a good word for rain. It caught me during a drive as I was coming into San Francisco, and we had this gentle rain for the first time in quite a while. It reminded me how much I actually enjoy rain. It seems to me that rain has been getting a lot of negative press, and it's about time we change that narrative. People tend to feel gloomy when the sky is overcast and it's drizzling, but it can be quite pleasant, really. I'm talking about a light sprinkle, not a downpour. We're all aware of the issues heavy rain can cause, and I'm mindful of that. What I mean is a slight mist. There's no need to make a big fuss about it. Instead, see it as a chance to pause for a moment, put on a jacket, open your umbrella, maybe even share your umbrella with someone else, and make the most of your day. Enjoy…

Michael Calore: Regardless of the rain.

Michael Calore: Revel in the scent of rain.

Boone Ashworth: Indeed.

Lauren Goode: And Boone, you also have firsthand experience with the devastating effects of wildfires.

Boone Ashworth: Absolutely, that's correct. Indeed. I reside in San Francisco's misty zone where the atmosphere is consistently damp and sprinkling, yet I still find pleasure in a nice rainfall.

Michael Calore: That's an excellent final suggestion.

Lauren Goode: I agree. I'm truly happy that we managed to surpass Gilad's suggestion of lemon slices-

Michael Calore: Chopped citrus.

Lauren Goode: …amidst Boone's downpour.

Boone Ashworth: Initially, my plan was to suggest a TV series or a cool new device. But then I thought, why not just appreciate the outdoors? Don't be selective about the weather. Embrace it all.

Michael Calore: No need to fret. I've got your back. I'll be suggesting a show and/or a device.

Boone Ashworth: Alright, go ahead.

Michael Calore: Hold on. Before I share mine, we need to hear Lauren's, because as the host, I have the privilege of going last.

Lauren Goode: In a similar vein, my suggestion is… I aimed for something profound but fell a bit short. Thus, the first piece of advice I'd give is to take walks. We're such nerds.

Boone Ashworth: Amidst the rainfall. Amidst the rainfall. Yes.

Lauren Goode encourages embracing the elements, suggesting that if one has the capability and a secure area to do so, they should opt for walks outdoors. Emphasize walking without the distraction of your smartphone. Make it a routine to walk at various times of the day, whether it's in the morning, with a companion, or after meals, which is believed to be beneficial health-wise. To minimize distractions, consider switching your phone to airplane mode and pre-downloading any podcasts for entertainment during your stroll. Furthermore, Lauren advises staying tuned to their channel for upcoming content, mentioning that a teaser for their new podcast will be released next week, followed by the premiere episode the week after. Although initially jesting it's titled "HBO’s Silicon Valley," she clarifies it's something along those lines.

Michael Calore: The name is Alveoto.

Lauren Goode: Everything is unfolding. So, definitely, take a leisurely stroll. Give yourself a moment to relax. It's incredibly beneficial for both your body and mind if you're able to do it, and give our latest program a listen. I'd be delighted if you could.

Michael Calore suggests considering requesting Siri to manage your incoming calls.

Lauren Goode: Absolutely. She'd say, "Apologies, but there's nobody by the name of Paul in your contact list."

Michael Calore: Indeed.

Lauren Goode: Mike, what do you suggest?

Michael Calore: Unlike the poetic and existential suggestions you guys just made, I'm going to suggest a YouTube channel instead.

Lauren Goode: Apologies, I just…

Michael Calore mentions that there's an excellent YouTube channel belonging to KEXP, highlighting that KEXP itself is a radio station.

Lauren Goode: K-E-X-P. What's the right way to say that? It seems like the name of a new company.

Michael Calore: It's said as K-E-X-P. That's a radio station for you. The letters are its official call sign. Honestly, it stands for experience.

Lauren Goode: Ah, I see.

Michael Calore: Originating from Seattle, they've expanded their presence to the Bay Area, rapidly becoming a dominant force in West Coast media. When musical groups make their way through Seattle during tours, they often have the chance to perform live at the KEXP studio. These performances are not only aired live by KEXP but are also made available through video on their YouTube channel a few weeks later. This has quickly become one of my top methods for finding new artists in indie rock, hip hop, and world music genres on the KEXP video feed on YouTube.

To address your curious glances, let me share with you a few names of musical acts that have recently featured on the KEXP YouTube channel. Among them are Quivers and Angelica Garcia, as well as a group known as Lo Moon, spelled L-O Moon. There's also Jjuu Jjuu, spelled J-J-U-U J-J-U-U, presented in uppercase as a single term. Additionally, we have Las Nubes, Shannon & the Clams, the East Bay Zone, J.R.C.J, and ML Buch. Out of these, Shannon & the Clams is the only one I'm familiar with. I haven't encountered the others before, but I'm excited to dive into their videos. I'm certain at least one will stand out as exceptional.

Lauren Goode: How do you manage to fit this into your schedule?

Michael Calore: Really? Just for viewing three-minute live acts on YouTube?

Lauren Goode: Yet an array of them includes lesser-known groups that extend beyond the already unfamiliar bands you're aware of.

Michael Calore: On a Sunday evening, I'll dedicate about 45 minutes to quickly go through several of them. If something really grabs my attention, I'll settle in and take pleasure in watching it.

Lauren Goode: Astonishing.

Michael Calore: Indeed.

Lauren Goode: It feels quite similar to taking a stroll under the rainfall, doesn't it?

Michael Calore: It feels just like taking a stroll under the rain showers.

Lauren Goode: Absolutely. Despite your earlier claim that your suggestion would lack a poetic or existential nature, I believe it indeed carries a significant amount of both.

Michael Calore: Alright, sounds good.

Lauren Goode: This is a quality choice.

Michael Calore: Thank you. I'm really happy to hear you're satisfied.

Lauren Goode: What are your thoughts on this being your final suggestion?

Michael Calore: I'm okay with it. What's your take on it being my final suggestion?

Lauren Goode: Indeed, we've reached the show's conclusion, and I'm feeling alright.

Boone Ashworth: I'll remove it. No need to stress.

Michael Calore: Oh, I appreciate it. Thanks a lot.

Lauren Goode: Boone truly deserves our appreciation for his incredible efforts. Throughout the duration of the pandemic, he has not only been the backbone of our show's production but has also consistently guided us week after week. He's tolerated our studio shenanigans, navigated the challenges of including guests remotely, and managed the myriad of technical difficulties. Moreover, despite having accumulated countless recordings of our voices, he's never once misused them to fabricate AI-generated versions of us uttering unsavory things—a testament to his integrity and restraint. This is precisely the reason we're showering him with kindness today.

Boone Ashworth: I've decided to create a personalized podcast featuring the two of you, which I'll enjoy privately, almost like having my own version of Gadget Lab. Reflecting on it, that sounds quite eerie.

Michael Calore: Intensely. Intensely.

Boone Ashworth: Refrain from proceeding. Normally, this would be the moment where I'd suggest concluding the episode. However, I'll deviate from that route. Rather, I'll highlight two additional suggestions: Lauren Goode and Michael Calore.

Michael Calore: Oh, dear.

Boone Ashworth: Collaborating with all of you and taking part in this podcast for such a significant period has been a wonderful experience. You're among the most intelligent and warm-hearted individuals I've ever met, a combination that's quite rare. Thus, I'll genuinely miss our weekly sessions together in the studio. Nevertheless, I'm relieved that we'll continue sharing the same workspace. It means a lot to me that I can still have you in my life and look forward to tuning into the show moving forward, as I'm certain it will continue to be fantastic. I'm eager to see what the future holds. So, my heartfelt thanks to each one of you for everything.

Michael Calore: Great, thank you for that.

Lauren Goode: That's really touching.

Michael Calore: Boone, I appreciate all you’ve done. Thanks for steering the Gadget Lab so capably for all these years.

Boone Ashworth: Seizing the chance to playfully tease you once more, I've put together a brief compilation of outtakes from the mishaps that have taken place on Gadget Lab.

Lauren Goode: Oh dear.

Boone Ashworth: It hasn't been broadcasted yet.

Lauren Goode: My words came out prematurely.

Boone Ashworth: However, I hastily assembled it at the break of dawn today.

Michael Calore: Oh, dear.

Boone Ashworth: Now presenting to you.

Michael Calore: Oh, dear.

Boone Ashworth: They might ask me to remove this, but what's the plan? Remove me from the program?

Lauren Goode: Exercising his authority.

Boone Ashworth: So, here we are.

[The sound of various clips from previous Gadget Lab episodes fills the air, underscored by the signature Gadget Lab melody.]

Lauren Goode: Greetings. Hi. Welcome, everyone.

Michael Calore: Okay. Hello, Boone. How are you? The time is 11:21 PM. It's Wednesday, January 4. I'm in a good mood.

Lauren Goode: Alright. Excellent transition.

Michael Calore: And we're off in three, two, one.

Lauren Goode: And we're off in three, two, one.

Michael Calore: Regarding Lauren.

Lauren Goode: Michael, I'll refer to you as Mike. I just realized I sounded like your mother.

Michael Calore: Absolutely not.

Lauren Goode: Alright. Alright.

Michael Calore: Excellent, you're capturing everything.

Lauren Goode: Regrettably, I consumed yogurt this morning, which turned out to be a poor choice.

Michael Calore: Absolutely, because at this point, you've consumed a lot of dairy. Your vocal cords are completely coated with dairy.

Lauren Goode: Oh, is it my turn? Counting down, three, two, one.

Michael Calore: It encompasses quite a bit. Boone, my volume hasn't decreased at all.

Boone Ashworth: Yes, indeed.

Lauren Goode: Alright, let's get started.

Michael Calore: And it's live. You know what? Absolutely a breeze.

Lauren Goode: Individuals possessing scrotums. Should it be scrotums or scroti?

Michael Calore believes the subject in question pertains to scrotums.

Lauren Goode: I appreciate it.

Boone Ashworth: There's been a homicide.

Lauren Goode: It's a massacre of spheres! Feel free to edit that part out.

Michael Calore: Sleep well.

Amanda Hoover: The spelling of 'hungover' is slightly incorrect.

Michael Calore: Yes, but exclude the letter 'E'.

Amanda Hoover: Indeed.

Lauren Goode: What's the incorrect way to spell "hungover"?

Michael Calore: Omitting the letter E.

Lauren Goode: In terms of brand identity, Hungovr.

Michael Calore: In one instance, as the show concluded, I simply exclaimed, "Nut cheeses." And then there were five—

Lauren Goode: That was overlooked by her.

Michael Calore: … a brief pause, followed by it picking up my voice once more as I mentioned, "Nut cheeses."

Lauren Goode: That's a fabrication.

Michael Calore: No, it wasn't my invention.

Boone Ashworth: It's quite odd.

Lauren Goode: That's the blooper, Boone. Incredible. Truly enjoyed that.

Michael Calore: Absolutely, yes.

Lauren Goode: Absolutely.

[End of recording.]

Michael Calore: Oh, that's really kind. Appreciate it.

Lauren Goode: What was the reason I mentioned… I won't repeat the term since he's…

Boone Ashworth: Indeed, we devoted an entire episode to discussing it.

Lauren Goode: Ah, alongside Zak Jason.

Boone Ashworth mentioned that Zak Jason joined the conversation.

Lauren Goode: Wow, I can't believe it.

Michael Calore: Indeed. The spray for balls was quite amusing.

Lauren Goode: Along with cashew-based dairy alternatives.

Boone Ashworth: Dive into the archives, everyone. There are some real gems hidden away.

Michael Calore: Astonishing.

Lauren Goode: Incredible. How often did I let a swear word slip and then say, "Boone, please remove that." That must have happened quite a bit.

Boone Ashworth: I certainly wouldn't remove that.

Michael Calore: Which episode is this? Number 662. It seems you've done this 662 times already.

Wow, that's incredible. I appreciate it.

Lauren Goode: Thanks, Boone. Your support means a lot to us.

Boone Ashworth: Ah, did someone's device activate just as you were speaking?

Michael Calore: Affirmative.

Lauren Goode: Discussing Slack.

Michael Calore:: Yes, because we're extending our duration.

Lauren Goode: Absolutely.

Boone Ashworth: Lovely. Alright.

Lauren Goode: There's another recording available.

Boone Ashworth: Okay, got it.

Michael Calore: Farewell. That concludes our program. We're grateful to Boone for joining us today. And a special thanks to Boone, our producer.

Boone Ashworth: I appreciate it, everyone.

Michael Calore: For any comments or suggestions, reach out to us on social platforms. The details are in the show notes. We'll return in two weeks with a fresh episode.

Lauren Goode: We're returning shortly.

[Outro theme music from Gadget Lab fades in]

Michael Calore: Cheese alternatives made from nuts.

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Google’s NotebookLM Revolutionizes AI Podcasts with Customizable Conversations: A Deep Dive into Kafka’s Metamorphosis and Beyond




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Google Introduces Personalization Feature for AI-Created Podcasts in NotebookLM

Google has recently introduced a novel feature in its NotebookLM program that allows users to personalize the AI-generated podcasts. I had the opportunity to explore this feature ahead of its official release, choosing Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" as my test case. Over several hours, I produced a range of podcasts centered on the classic novella, with varying degrees of eccentricity.

Launched in 2023 by Google Labs as an innovative, AI-centric composing instrument, NotebookLM has witnessed a revival in popularity starting from September, following the introduction of a feature that allows the creation of podcast-esque dialogues between two AI personas—one with a masculine tone and the other feminine—based on documents uploaded by users. While these in-depth audio explorations serve purposes such as study and work efficiency, a significant portion of the widespread online snippets has centered on the amusement derived from having robotic moderators engage in discussions about odd or extremely private texts, such as a LinkedIn profile.

Raiza Martin, the head of the NotebookLM team at Google Labs, is excited to offer users increased influence over the content in these AI-generated podcasts. "This is the top request we've received from users," she notes. "They're eager to have some say in what the detailed exploration is about." Martin mentions that this update is just the beginning of several more that are expected to follow.

Approaching its first full year since launching, NotebookLM is shedding its "experimental" label, indicating it won't be joining the long list of Google's discontinued projects, at least in the foreseeable future. According to Martin, this decision came as the development team achieved key benchmarks related to quality, user engagement, and the user interface. Martin also notes that users should anticipate improved reliability from the software.

Creating Your Own AI Podcasts

To craft an AI podcast with NotebookLM, navigate to the Google Labs site and initiate a New Notebook. Proceed to incorporate any reference materials you wish to influence the podcast's sound, ranging from computer files to YouTube URLs.

Subsequently, upon selecting the Notebook guide, you are now presented with the capability to initiate a comprehensive analysis in addition to the possibility of personalizing it beforehand. Opt for the Customize feature and input your specific request for the desired outcome of the AI podcast. The program recommends contemplating which segments of the sources should be emphasized, broader subjects you wish to delve deeper into, or various target groups you intend the content to engage with.

Martin suggests a strategy for experimenting with the latest function, which involves initially producing the Audio Overview in its original form. As you listen to this initial version, jot down any pressing inquiries or areas you feel could use more depth. Then, utilize these observations as a foundation to craft your inquiries for NotebookLM, enabling you to recreate the AI podcast tailored to your preferences.

Initial Thoughts

I submitted a document consisting of 80 pages from Kafka's renowned existential masterpiece, where the protagonist discovers upon awakening that he has metamorphosed into an enormous insect, to test the adaptability for users of NotebookLM. The initial Audio Summary produced, without any specific prompts for customization, provided a reliable, though general, summary of the events in the short story, alongside an exploration of its principal motifs. While it wasn't revolutionary, it was satisfactory.

Approaching it with the mindset of a studious college literature student, which indeed I used to be, my initial tweak was to direct the podcast conversation towards exploring the motifs of isolation and oppressive government bureaucracy present in the novel. This gentle push allowed NotebookLM to effectively concentrate on these themes, producing a conversation that echoed the kind of discussions I've encountered in university literature classes. It wandered a bit, but it was entirely engaging to listen to.

Subsequently, I directed the tool to concentrate on certain pages from the original document. The outcome was somewhat disappointing compared to other experiments, as it closely resembled the AI podcast created without a tailored prompt. However, it's worth noting that providing NotebookLM with a larger amount of source content, instead of just a few pages from a PDF, might have allowed the AI to focus on the detailed instructions and yield better outcomes.

For me, the most captivating method to adjust the AI podcasts involved directing the virtual presenters to cater to diverse target audiences. When I prompted them to break down the novella for a newbie in the workforce fresh out of college, the hosts insightfully tackled the theme of navigating significant life transitions. However, I couldn't help but burst into laughter at NotebookLM's effort to interpret Kafka's writing for an audacious assembly of drag queens. With a masculine AI voice, it exclaimed, "Darling, let's get into the nitty-gritty of feeling isolated," highlighting Kafka's unapologetic exploration of the theme.

The language employed by the presenters to interact with the drag queens occasionally came across as meaningless and somewhat awkward. However, it was commendable how the produced content was customized to emphasize elements within the novella that the queer community could resonate with, such as Kafka’s exploration of alienation and familial strife. Granted, Google’s NotebookLM might oversimplify a lengthy text or confuse certain facts, but the capability to create tailored podcasts from varied materials is indeed a remarkable shift in content consumption, fortunately without any resemblance to metamorphosing into a colossal insect.

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AI Takes the Stage: The Culver Cup Ignites a Filmmaking Revolution Amidst Hollywood’s Skepticism




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The Concerns of Filmmakers Regarding AI, and Big Tech's Optimistic Outlook

The entertainment industry experienced significant unrest last year with strikes from writers and actors, largely due to concerns over AI. Performers were apprehensive about the unauthorized use of their images, whether by current employers or future technology users. Writers were equally uneasy about refining poorly generated AI content or seeing their creative output appropriated by sophisticated algorithms without compensation.

However, while certain filmmakers from Hollywood emerged from the strikes with apprehensions about the potential havoc artificial intelligence could unleash on their sectors, a number of them were keen to delve deeper into the subject. This week, a gathering of these filmmakers took place in a cinema located in Culver City, California, for the first-ever Culver Cup, a film contest focusing on generative AI, backed by FBRC.AI and Amazon Web Services.

Numerous filmmakers submitted their applications to participate in a contest, and out of them, 50 were selected. They received creative guidance and a set of rules from David Slade, the director known for his work on Black Mirror: Bandersnatch and Hard Candy. Additionally, they were provided with credits to access AI tools such as Luma Dream Machine and Playbook, along with a 3D model of a diner from Global Objects to serve as their backdrop. The participants had just under three weeks to create a short film ranging from two to five minutes in length. Out of these submissions, eight were chosen to go head-to-head (seven of which can be viewed online), in a live competition. The winner was determined by an audience vote during an event at LA Tech Week on Monday.

The championship belt granted to the victor of the Culver Cup gen AI film contest is known as the Culver Cup championship belt.

The concluding lineup for the Culver Cup.

FBRC.AI's cofounder, Todd Terrazas, described the competition as a modest trial to assess the current state, history, and future direction of the emerging field. While minor errors such as character inconsistencies and visible glitches were expected, the overall reaction from those who attended the event was positive. Jon Jones, who leads AWS Startups, emphasized that the goal was to explore the realm of possibilities rather than achieve flawlessness.

Determining the capabilities of AI within the Hollywood scene is a complex matter. As AWS Startups collaborates with businesses creating AI-powered tools for movie production, Amazon's division responsible for Prime Video content has been extensively negotiating with writers' and actors' unions, under the umbrella of the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, on the appropriate guidelines for implementing AI in film and television production. Since August, the AMPTP has also been in discussions with animators about the integration of AI, among other topics.

Amazon MGM Studios did not participate in the Culver Cup. The purpose of the event was to demonstrate the potential of artificial intelligence in automating tasks that would be challenging for independent filmmakers to manage by themselves. It is now up to Hollywood to determine the fairest method of implementing these technologies.

At Adobe's Max conference earlier this week, the company introduced new AI-driven tools for video editing, emphasizing that these innovations are meant to complement rather than substitute human creativity. In a parallel development on Thursday, Meta revealed a partnership with Blumhouse, where the renowned horror production company linked up filmmakers such as Casey Affleck and Aneesh Chaganty of "Searching" with Meta's research team to experiment with its upcoming Movie Gen video tool.

Connor Hayes, who leads Meta's general AI initiatives, mentioned in a blog entry that the goal is to understand how to use AI responsibly. Jason Blum, the CEO of Blumhouse, expressed enthusiasm for the opportunity, allowing filmmakers to explore this advanced technology and provide feedback on its advantages and disadvantages during its development phase.

Having served as a director for many years, Slade perceives his involvement in the Culver Cup in a comparable manner. He aims to offer a level-headed perspective on how technology impacts movie production, despite acknowledging his own fears about AI. He suggests that the widespread ability to create films using AI could potentially uncover talents like James Cameron or David Lynch.

"Creating a feature film similar to those produced by Pixar single-handedly is beyond my capabilities, primarily because of the extensive time required to animate each second," explains Skylar Thomas, the Chief Technology Officer of Playbook. "However, with the advent of generative AI, a single creator can produce significantly more content, which is incredibly thrilling." (Additionally, this approach is more cost-effective, as Playbook's cofounder JD LeRoy points out, with the price for a single second of movie visual effects ranging between $2,000 and $20,000, based on the level of detail involved.)

Generative AI is transforming the film industry by enabling creators to bypass the usual barriers of high costs and strict control from studio executives and financiers. Slade comments, "When you deal with a studio, the expenses start to skyrocket from the moment you begin filming. It's just the nature of the industry. You find yourself in a pressured environment where demands are high, and you constantly need approval for every step you take."

Admittedly, the next great genius in AI-generated art, whether it's in animation or not, is unlikely to be a complete novice without any technical skills. The majority of those who made it to the final round of the Culver Cup competition have a background or education in filmmaking, which has undoubtedly provided them with an advantage when it comes to understanding the technical aspects and specific terminology of content creation. The individual who clinched the competition, known as Meta Puppet, has shared that he has 18 years of experience as a professional video editor, in addition to roles as an actor and a screenwriter.

"He emphasizes the importance of mastering the basics. While technology may evolve, the essence of storytelling remains unchanged."

In order to elevate his short film, "Mnemonade," Meta Puppet concentrated on infusing the narrative with a significant emotional depth. "Artificial intelligence films won't become widely popular until they can convincingly convey emotions through dialogue," he remarks. He took on every character in his film, which delves into the themes of sense memory and an elderly lady's memory decline, utilizing AI technology from the Silicon Valley standout, ElevenLabs, to modify his voice to suit each character's unique vocal tone and pitch.

Maddie Hong, who competed against Meta Puppet in the finals of the Culver Cup, acknowledges Hollywood's caution regarding AI. She points out that the risk of legal issues and financial setbacks is significant, especially with the possibility of unintentional or blatant copyright violations during content creation. Additionally, Hong notes that film studios are particularly concerned with maintaining a consistent image, considering their content is distributed across various platforms and devices.

With that in mind, Hong concurs with individuals such as Luma's cofounder Amit Jain, who believes that gen AI filmmaking has the potential to offer the conventional studio system more leeway in budgeting and a broader range of offerings.

Jain observes that in the current Hollywood scene, most big-budget films are merely rehashing existing series. This, he believes, is because it's riskier to invest in fresh concepts or start new franchises. According to him, it's simply more secure to replicate existing ideas than to create something original.

According to Jain, who openly acknowledges his partiality, increasing the number of projects, despite reduced funding, could lead to higher employment rates and greater financial inflow. He further argues, "I would contend that individuals will likely have much more rewarding and enduring careers when they have the opportunity to create content that genuinely appeals to the audience." He believes that if the advent of AI results in job redundancies in Hollywood, those most opposed to AI integration will be the first to be affected.

Recent findings challenge this idea. A study involving 300 leaders in the entertainment sector conducted at the beginning of the year revealed that 75 percent agree that artificial general intelligence (gen AI) has caused job losses, decreases, or mergers in their areas. While it contributed to the creation of some positions, it remains "uncertain" whether these new roles will compensate for the employment decline.

Various research efforts have looked into the specific effects of increased artificial intelligence (AI) use within the visual effects (VFX) sector. Artists have generally expressed a mix of enthusiasm and apprehension toward AI tools that promise to simplify their often monotonous tasks, yet raise questions about ethical concerns and financial ramifications. While the idea of collaborating with a dozen friends to create an inexpensive superhero movie about a Boston Terrier, as proposed by Jain, seems appealing, the overarching consequences of widespread AI adoption on the entire industry are yet to be determined.

Meta Puppet believes that success hinges on one's proficiency and possession of it. He draws a parallel between general AI and playing the piano, explaining, "The piano is familiar to everyone, yet not everyone can be a Mozart. To create true works of art with AI, one must assume multiple roles; this can be both advantageous and disadvantageous. For those with the necessary experience, it's beneficial. However, for those lacking it, the outcome is likely to be poor."

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Sam Altman’s Worldcoin Unveils Eye-Scanning Orb’s Latest Model and Expands Global Reach with On-Demand Service




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Sam Altman's Biometric Orb Unveils a Fresh Design and Offers Home Delivery

Previously, an organization named Tools for Humanity initiated a roadshow to display its innovative eye-scanning device, the Orb. This spherical, metallic device is a key component in a future system designed to allow individuals to confirm their identity using their biological data.

The initiative known as Worldcoin could easily have been dismissed as yet another doomed idealistic tech endeavor, if not for its association with a significant figure: Sam Altman. Altman is the cofounder and CEO of OpenAI, a company that stands out as one of the most impactful in today's tech landscape. The origins of Worldcoin trace back to 2019, when Altman started investigating ways to verify identities for potential use in universal basic income programs.

Collaborating with tech expert Alex Blania, he transformed the concept into a tangible project. In an era where AI is evolving swiftly, they proposed that it would be crucial for a person to demonstrate that they are not a machine. Their solution was based on the use of iris-recognition technology, which would create secure tokens for people to confirm their identity globally.

Worldcoin represents the pinnacle of technological optimism, embodying Altman's vision of a future where AI integrates seamlessly with human society, potentially governed by a system under Altman's influence.

In a spacious venue located in San Francisco's Mission District today, Altman and Blania unveiled their updated concept for Worldcoin, now renamed as the World Network, or simply World. The launch featured keynote speeches, the introduction of new devices, commitments to broadening their offerings, and an opportunity for attendees to directly experience the new product, reminiscent of an Apple product launch but with a vibe suggesting the designers had recently been on an ayahuasca journey. (The event's Wi-Fi password was: IntelligenceAge.)

A representative from Tools for Humanity announced that everyone participating in today's event is eligible for an iris scan, with 500 participants slated to get the upcoming Orb upon its release in 2025.

"According to Rich Heley, the chief device officer at Tools for Humanity, during his keynote speech, there's a significant need for an increased number of orbs, estimating the requirement to be around a thousand more than the current count."

This Sphere now boasts a fresh, iridescent appearance. It operates using Nvidia's Jetson chipset and, as stated by Tools for Humanity, it "delivers close to five times the artificial intelligence capability" enabling quicker identity confirmation. Yet, all these advancements do not detract from its oddity.

Beginning next year in Latin America, individuals will have the convenience of requesting the Orb to their doorstep as easily as ordering pizza, thanks to a collaboration with the Rappi app. This service allows residents to register for the World Network by having their irises scanned by the Orb upon its arrival. After completing its task, the Orb departs. Thomas Meyerhoffer, designer at Tools for Humanity, assured that the SD card delivered to users is free of any pre-existing data.

The global community announces the launch of two new Orb-scanning facilities, located in Buenos Aires and Mexico City. Additionally, the Orb could make an appearance at local convenience stores or cafés near you, offering the option to get an iris scan alongside your morning coffee. Presently, there are four sites within the United States where individuals can locate their closest Orb, and a total of 333 Orb locations worldwide.

The Orb device primarily functions as a container for various sensors and electronic components designed to record your eye data. Upon collecting this biometric information, it is then transferred to an application. Naturally, this process prompts concerns regarding the safety and handling of personal data. Blania maintains that when an individual sets up a World ID and undergoes an iris scan, which is then saved in the World application, the data is encrypted and kept solely on the user's own devices.

Today marks a significant update for the World app and World network, key components in Altman and Blania's blueprint for the future of identity verification. These software services have received multiple enhancements.

Initially, Altman and Blania have enhanced the functionality of the World ID service, now accommodating several hundred million credentials, an increase from the current count of around 7 million World ID users verified as "Orb-verified," a term that may raise some eyebrows.

The firm is introducing a novel functionality named Deep Face, drawing inspiration from the term "deepfake," which aims to offer an innovative solution for fighting fraud. This feature will work seamlessly with online chatting platforms such as FaceTime, WhatsApp, and Zoom. The concept is that if an individual appears on a video conference claiming to be you, and your identity has already been confirmed via World, the application would signal that the person is not genuinely you.

WIRED inquired about how the company intends to offer its Deep Face service, which involves some form of facial recognition technology, while still maintaining its commitment to recent data privacy standards. Blania outlined an approach where an individual's World ID operates locally on their Mac, serving as an application layer that activates during video chats as the user engages the camera. However, World has not yet secured formal agreements with Apple, Meta, or Zoom for this implementation; the company simply stated that the World app would "facilitate" these functions.

At today's gathering, World announced that its blockchain network, dubbed "the first blockchain created with human needs in mind," has officially launched. This development signifies that the numerous users of World ID and World App will now transition to this innovative blockchain infrastructure.

During the event, the focus was less on the term "crypto," despite the biometric-scanning Orb and the World network being fundamentally linked to cryptocurrency tokens. Rather, Altman and Blania highlighted the blockchain services of World, along with its capabilities in managing digital assets and facilitating online communication.

During the press conference, Blania announced plans for World to establish what would be the world's most extensive financial network in the coming years.

In an individual conversation with WIRED, Blania shared that their weekly gatherings at Atlman’s residence on Sundays were motivated by PayPal's success story. He drew parallels between how Peter Thiel, Max Levchin, and their team revolutionized the digital payment landscape, transforming the face of online shopping and earning billionaire status along the way. Similarly, the team at World envisioned themselves establishing an analogous infrastructure for tokens across a decentralized network.

Currently, the World app is available at no cost to all users. Scanning your eyes won't cost you anything either. Tools for Humanity, which has received venture capital funding, is aggressively pursuing growth in the contemporary market for identity verification and the collection of your biometric information. According to Blania, the organization plans to eventually generate revenue through transaction fees.

The spokesperson for Tools for Humanity revealed that the organization's current plans for growth are primarily focused on areas outside the United States, attributing this strategy to the unclear regulatory environment surrounding cryptocurrencies within the country.

Utilizing the Orb and its associated app within the United States allows for the scanning and preservation of your iris data, however, it does not produce a cryptographic token on your behalf.

Approximately two and a half years prior, the Worldcoin initiative faced criticism for purportedly misleading and exploiting people to get them to participate in eye scans. Blania explained that the disorganized conduct was a result of the company's early "startup" stage. Speaking to WIRED, Blania mentioned that the company is undertaking numerous measures, approximately "a thousand," to enhance the process for obtaining consent. He highlighted that an "operational team" will be positioned in each location where World operates to facilitate this. Additionally, Blania noted that the World application will include detailed "explanations" on the functionality of the product.

"Blania emphasized that there is no centralized storage of data whatsoever."

In 2023, authorities in Germany, Brazil, India, South Korea, and Kenya probed the service due to worries regarding its handling and utilization of biometric information. Kenya halted Worldcoin registrations entirely. South Korea imposed a penalty on the firm. Worldcoin voluntarily halted its operations in India, Brazil, and France.

Blania expressed his belief that World is expected to make a comeback in Kenya in the near future.

In response to inquiries during the media briefing regarding the focus on Latin America as a potential growth area, specifically through the collaboration with Rappi for orb delivery services, Blania challenged the notion that World was giving precedence to Latin America above other regions.

"Blania explained that due to constraints in resources, there's an inherent order in how things are progressing. He also mentioned that their attention is equally divided among Asia and various regions. Specifically, Argentina has emerged as a rapidly expanding market, which has generated considerable enthusiasm."

"He also noted that the initiative is explicitly named 'World'."

Following the keynote speech, Altman hurried into the media room, offering a quick wave and an apology for his inability to linger before discreetly departing in a manner reminiscent of a national leader.

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